Smoke Generator Questions

Started by Ronaldo, February 18, 2003, 11:08:06 PM

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I am building a smoker using an antique three-door icebox, and the Bradley Smoke Generator looks like it would be the perfect way to go.  I would like to get some advice before I buy something that isn't right for it.  

I'm wondering how controllable the heat is (or how much actual heat is produced while smoking).

If anyone has experience, please advise.

Thank you,



<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Ronaldo</i>
<br />I am building a smoker using an antique three-door icebox, and the Bradley Smoke Generator looks like it would be the perfect way to go.  I would like to get some advice before I buy something that isn't right for it.  

I'm wondering how controllable the heat is (or how much actual heat is produced while smoking).

If anyone has experience, please advise.

Thank you,

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

looking into what seems to be an exciting new product


ronaldo you sure the ice box is not worth more as a collectors item?? although a piece of equipment that was previously used as a refrigerator is a very goo way of makeing a smoker as it should be very well insulated best of luck[:)]

looking into what seems to be an exciting new product

Chez Bubba


The smoke generator will only produce minimal heat as it only smolders the bisquettes. This will provide 25-75 degrees of temp depending on ambient temp and location. The only way to control temp is by limiting the number of bisquettes you put in. But this too will limit the amount of smoke you can apply.

The main heat source from the <u>smoker</u> is a 500 watt light tube hooked to a reostat which allows you to adjust the temp.
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Chezbubba great suggestion about the bulb/tube but where does someone find one of these to purchase? Wouldnt an old hot plate be easier and more readily available? I am also converting an old 1952 fridge and have purchased the Bradley smoke generator but am also struggling with the heat source for hot smoking applications?
Can anyone please help us out?


The heat bulb Chezbubba is referring to is part of the smoker cabinet of the Bradley smoker.  If you are just using the smoke generator and attaching it to a fridge, then you can just use a hotplate inside the fridge for a heat source.  I have also seen a smoker with both a hotplate and a small fan inside to circulate the heat evenly.

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.

Chez Bubba

I see nothing wrong with the hotplate, but we do sell the bulbs as well. My concern for the bulb would be the amount of space you would be asking it to heat. It works great for the Bradley unit, but I don't know if it would be adequate for a fridge sized box. Maybe you could hook 2 or 3 in tandem? I don't know, I'm not an electrician.

Regardless of your heat source, a key consideration is recovery time. How fast can the source return the smoker to temp after you open the door to have a peeky?

Best of luck on your projects, please post pics of the completed masterpieces.

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Thanks for the help everyone. I found a fairly good looking design at Looks fairly simple however since I want to cold smoke with the Bradley unit and hot smoke with the hot plate while supplying smoke from the Bradley. While hot smoking should I design it so the bisquit falls into the bowl on the hot plate or beside it?
I may have a problem adjusting the heat with the hot plate.
any suggestions?
Thanks cant wait to get started

Chez Bubba


I would think you definitely would not want the spent bisquettes to drop into the bowl on top of the hot plate. The bowl should be half full of water to extinguish the smoldering bisquettes. Putting it on the hot plate would only evaporate said water faster and introduce more moisture into your smoker. That means you'd have to open the door more often to replenish the water, losing heat & requiring a longer smoking time.

I would place the water bowl as far away from the heat source as possible, maybe even shielding it in some way to keep it as cool as possible.

I don't know how much room you have to work with, but what would be wrong with putting the hot plate above the smoke generator arm & water bowl? Smoke rises, heat rises, water stays cooler. That wouldn't work if you designing it like the Bradley so the water bowl does double duty as a fat collector though.

Just some random thoughts from a guy who's never built his own from scratch. Take it for what it's worth.

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Chez Bubba thanks for your reply. This makes perfect sense. The plans are coming together quite nicely thanks to everyone.
I am presently having the brackets for the shelves/grills being cut. I have plenty of room in the old compressor compartment so I will divide it in two with a fairly heavy gauge piece of sheet or plate metal as well as a heavy piece above the hotplate to act as a baffle. Next is to locate a small metal bladed fan to circulate the heat for even distribution and Im Smokin.
This unit will go side by side with the Keg fridge I made out of another old fridge. Cant wait.


I recently purchased the smoker unit. I plan on putting it on a commercial sized freezer (non-working). I was going to use an electric charcoal lighter as a heat source-will this produce to much heat? The freezer is 6' tall, 4' deep and 7' long with a top mounted compressor.

Phattboys BBQ & Smokehouse
  "Have Smoke-Will Travel"


I don't think it would produce too much heat,  but I would opt for a portable electric stove burner plate.  Much safer to set inside the smoker than a charcoal starter.[;)]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.


<b>The main heat source from the smoker is a 500 watt light tube hooked to a reostat </b>

This is the same type of item used to keep food warm in many resturants. I've seen these units from one blub to ten blub units, from one foot to four foot long. In every major city you will find a ton of used resturant equipment supply stores.

You can pick up a rheostat to control the unit at any Grangers or simmler supplier.

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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DoW-Oldman</i>
<br /><b>The main heat source from the smoker is a 500 watt light tube hooked to a reostat </b>

This is the same type of item used to keep food warm in many resturants. I've seen these units from one blub to ten blub units, from one foot to four foot long. In every major city you will find a ton of used resturant equipment supply stores.

You can pick up a rheostat to control the unit at any Grangers or simmler supplier.

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


Quote<i>Originally posted by Ronaldo</i>
<br />I am building a smoker using an antique three-door icebox, and the Bradley Smoke Generator looks like it would be the perfect way to go.  I would like to get some advice before I buy something that isn't right for it.  

I'm wondering how controllable the heat is (or how much actual heat is produced while smoking).

If anyone has experience, please advise.

Thank you,
OK...I just built a little smaller smoker and I did a 56,000 BTU burner built for me. It works great ....pic here
Any questions please email me for info.........Smoke on!!!
