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Need Help, my digital smoker won't turn on

Started by thepro8, May 16, 2009, 09:25:37 AM

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I have a bradley 4 rack digital smoker. I haven't used it in a few month. Last time I used it, everything worked great. I tried turning it on and nothing happend. The display didn't turn on, didn't flicker, or anything.

-I checked the outlet it was plugged into.
-I checked the connection to the smoker and they were plugged in
-I checked the fuse and it still looked good

Any tips? I'll probably call Bradley on Monday. If the smoker is broken, what could I expect from an out of warranty repair??

Habanero Smoker

I have the OBS, but someone with a DBS should be coming along soon.

From previous post if the display does not light up you may not be engaging the on button. You have to press the buttons dead center.

No Power

Other FAQ's



The buttons seem fine. I'm pressing hard in the center and it seems to be engaging

hopefully it's not the power supply.

I need to get this working. I misss my smoker :(


I'm with Habs, I run an OBS...but can tell ya Bradley service is the best, if it comes to that!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


I have a digital make sure the power cords are seated tight and the pads get pressed firmly. If that dont work Brian at Bradley might have you do an easy to do check on the internal wires. If all else fails and your within warranty they will help you, more than likly they will help you anyways because they have A++++ customer service.



Sure doesn't look like a power cord to issue to me. i'll just call bradley and see what they say. i've used them in the past for an issue when it was under warranty and they were great. Just hope they are good when its out of warranty too. I don't mind spending money to fix it, just don't want to have to replace it.

Bradley (Head Office)

Hi Pro8

I would double check the fuse make sure its not blown

If the fuse is good you may have a wire off inside the generator open the generator up and check the connections inside.



Hey Brian. The fuse isn't blown and all the connections look secure. I'm windering if it may be that the LCD module went bad or the power brick went bad. I could put a multimeter to it and see were the power stop. Would you want me to do that or should I wait and just call in?

Bradley (Head Office)

Quote from: thepro8 on May 16, 2009, 07:13:44 PM
Hey Brian. The fuse isn't blown and all the connections look secure. I'm windering if it may be that the LCD module went bad or the power brick went bad. I could put a multimeter to it and see were the power stop. Would you want me to do that or should I wait and just call in?

Sure if you have a meter by all means trace the power flow and let me know where it stops. Start at the main plug connector and follow it from there.



Ok, So I took the multimeter to it and let me explain what i found.

See the pic below. The larger connector i'm pointing to in green that is still connected I was able to get a voltage out of. The smaller one I'm pointing to in red, I was not able to get a voltage out of

I also went though and tested for a voltage coming out of any pins on the connector going to the LCD. I was NOT able to get any voltage readings on any of these pins. I'm thinking that is what's going wrong, maybe a bad power supply???


Bradley (Head Office)

Hi Steve

I need you to test this in a different way

Unplug all the connectors except the single blue wire with the plastic sleeve on it (that's the main power wire)
Then test all the wires coming out of the power supply unit (black box on bottom)
You should have 120V (or your house voltage) coming out of all the main power wires ( 3 connectors total of 6 wires)
The digital display cable and the skinny black and orange wires are low voltage 

Let me know what you get on each wire.

I think you are correct though you may have a bad power supply unit.



Hey Brian, I left only the one blue wire connected. i tested all terminals coming out. I was able to get 116v out of the 3 connectors. Specifically out of the brown wire on the connector on the left, and out of blue wires on the connectors in middle and right. (note: so I guess my picture in the previous post where i said no power was wrong. I just tested the red wire, not the brown)

Need me to test anything else or do you have a clue what's going wrong?

Bradley (Head Office)

Hi Steve

You should have 116v out of all the wires red,brown,black,white & blue. If you do not have 116v coming out of either the red.white or black your power supply is gone.
If you have 116v coming from all the wires then your problem is with your display panel. If your tester is good enough you should have 11-12 volts across all pins on the ribbon cable
Tested with only the blue single wire plugged in



Yup I'm not getting anything put of red white or black cable. Guess I need a new power supply.i'll put a call into the office in the morning. Should I ask for you or anyone special?

Bradley (Head Office)

Hi Steve

Yes if your getting no voltage out of those wires then you need a new power supply (the office calls it a TIMER UNIT)
Our office is closed on Monday its a holiday
You can call on Tuesday and ask for me or just explain to the customer service girl that you have talked to Brian and you need a new TIMER UNIT for your Digital Smoker
