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Wood puck advance problem?

Started by BigD, May 25, 2009, 07:03:03 AM

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Hello.  I am new to this site and new to my BDS.  I was wondering if the pucks should advance everytime I push the advance button.  Upon startup, it seems that it will advance one puck, then I push the button to advance again and it will not.   Is this something that is built in to protect overload on the drive unit? Also, am I correct in assuming that it should advance every 20 minutes automatically when smoking?  Thanks for yor help!


Big D,
Welcome to the forum.  Short answer to your questions are, yes it should advance every time you press the advance button.  After you turn it on and it advances the one puck, wait for it to complete the advance cycle and press the advance button very firmly.  It should advance the next puck.  You need 3 advanced in order to get the first one to the heat plate to start the smoke.  Second, yes it should auto advance a puck every 20 minutes.  That said, I have the BDS and periodically mine forgets to advance the next puck in 20 minutes so I no longer trust it.  I set a timer every 20 minutes to make sure the next puck advances.  If it doesn't hit the advance button again.



BigD Welscome to the site.  You picked a great smoking machine.  It can turn out some really great BBQ and other treats.  Be sure tot check out the recipe site for recipes and some answers to frequent questions.  It's a good read.

The key is what KyNola said.  You might have to press that button pretty firm and maybe with a thumbnail.  I have one button on my DBS that I have to concentrate on to make sure it "takes". 
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"