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Hunting and Fishing Pics---Post them here!

Started by Caribou, August 28, 2009, 05:14:24 AM

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Quote from: Tenpoint5 on September 12, 2009, 06:02:15 AM
Well it seems Life got in the way one too many times. My daughter won't be going on her first squirrel hunt anytime soon. She managed to break her left arm Tuesday night. Gonna have to wait til next year.

Sorry to hear that. Maybe you can still take her out some, for a walk in the woods.


I'm sorry to hear that, too, 10.5.
Poor little gal.  :(Hope she heals quickly.


Quote from: Tenpoint5 on September 12, 2009, 06:02:15 AM
Well it seems Life got in the way one too many times. My daughter won't be going on her first squirrel hunt anytime soon. She managed to break her left arm Tuesday night. Gonna have to wait til next year.

Hey 10.5 just have her use a .22 hand gun.  You might go hungry but at least she will still have fun.


I should have used a pistol that time I shot a little chin hair off one at about 15' I was aiming right at the center of his right eye with my scope. That squirrel jumped up 5' and took a flying leap off the highest part of my deck. I think that squirrel changed his mind about eating out of my bird feeder cause he never came back.



I thought I broke my hand last week when I went in the hen house to check on eggs and there was a wild tom turkey in there eating out of the feeder.
He decided to fly out of the house before I could get out of the way and I got whacked in the hand by his wing.  It hurt so bad :'(
Turkey season starts on the 15th I may have to seek my revenge then. :D :D :D



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I will get her out there. Since they told her that she has to twist her arm in the cast to keep the wrist fluid and in motion. I don't see how Twisting your arm to rest the barrel on would be a bad thing!! I will wait until the first set of x-rays with the cast on are done on Thurs.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Heck with a cast on she will not need a shooting rest  ;D

When my daughter was 10 she fell off the swing and broke both of her wrists, all her big brother kept saying is quit crying and suck it up. Dont you love big brothers? He did help her up and into the house so mom can freak out and rush her to the hospital like it was life or death. When i got the call at work the wife was hysterical and i had to calm her down so she could focus on the road.


I don't hunt deer anymore (turned my outdoors efforts over to fly fishing), but this one just about has me wanting to get back out in the field.  Unfortunately he lives well within the city limits of Nashville.

This is a 2006 pic of him when he was probably 10 maybe more points.

This is a 2007 pic of him when he was probably 12 or more points - has some big brow tines this year

Did not see him last year, but saw him a few weeks ago (in velvet).  I did not get a good look at him, but he has to be at least 14 points (probably more) this year!  He has his big brow tines (probably more than two that are big enough to count) and possibly a fork in his royal antlers and maybe another fork in his crown tines.   I can't get a shot where he is looking at me to show his spread, but he has an impressive spread - well past his ears.  He has at least 3 offspring that I routinely see together lounging in people's yards up and down the road I travel to/from work.  They look to be good solid 10 points with the same style of rack as Dad - there is really no mistaking who the dad is!
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Mr Walleye

Had a great day of walleye fishing yesterday. 48 "Eyes" in 6 hours!  ;D

Sorry... no pictures... we had a hard enough time staying in the boat! It was wickedly windy and huge waves but the fishing was awesome. Nothing real big... largest was around 5 lbs with most being 2.5 - 3 lbs. While we were fishing my buddy caught a 20 lb carp that took him a good half hour to get in. It was an ornery beast on 8 lb test line.


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Smoking Duck

Dang, Mike, I gotta get up there and fish with you next year!

Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

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Mr Walleye

Absolutely SD!  ;)

The last 2 times out was a 32 day followed by the 48 yesterday. It certainly doesn't happen like that everytime but at this time of year we usually do really well. We should start getting into the biggin's soon as well.

Good to hear from ya and I hope things are going in the right direction. Stay in touch.


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So it's hunting season and I'm sitting at the table and guess what pops into view.

Okay...... Next pics will be of the summer sausage and snack sticks.  ;D