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Labor Day Weekend Smoke-athon

Started by KyNola, September 05, 2009, 08:43:48 AM

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2 ten pound butts rubbed with CYM and Bad Byron's Butt Rub in the Traeger today.  Tomorrow 4 of the biggest racks of baby back ribs I have ever seen.  Each weighs in excess of 4 pounds.  Will apply the smoke in the Bradley and finish on the Traeger as Jan just decided we are doing meatloafs tomorrow too so she is in the kitchen mixing them up complete with Jan's Rub and Ice's sauce in the meatloaf.

Did I mention there are just two of us?  Our friends are going to eat well!



Just finished gutting 20 jalapenos for ABT's. Boned out a Pork Loin and separated off the tenderloin both are resting comfortably in the fridge marinating in some Jan's Rub. Everything should find its way into the smoker this afternoon. Except the tenderloin it will hit the grill tomorrow. 
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


I did 12 pounds of pork butt + brisket last night.  Pulled and put into cooler earlier this morning.

Just pulled my bacon wrapped tater tots out of 90 minutes of Alder smoke.
(turkey bacon for the wrap, and I sprinkled with Peppered Bacon Salt before loading)

This will give me something to munch on while I get psyched up to pull pork/slice brisket/vacpak..

Might do a turkey breast roast on Sunday.   I also have a decent sized rack of Baby Backs hanging out in the freezer.   It's supposed to rain all weekend, so I might as well cook.


I've got a rack of spare ribs on, used hickory this time, so we'll see how that wood works.
Monday it will be a 4 lb chunk of brisket, and maybe a wild pig roast a friend asked me to smoke.

get smokin


Brisket after 5 hours in the cooler..

This end is holding up to the knife well:

But that didn't last long.  Pile O' Beef:

Pork Butt:

Shredded easily.  Finishing it covered in the pan really helped keep the moisture in.

Now I have a stomach ache from nibbling all morning..   :D


I might do a rack of ribs and some ABT's using Fresno peppers instead of penos. I want to try these out for heat and taste. They are a heavy producer and similar in size to penos.


Has decided to rain at my house.  Thanks to my friend Wayne for the patio umbrella and my friend Brent who brought an umbrella stand AND a chest freezer to put in my garage, Traeger doesn't know it's raining as much.  BTW, the price for all of this, "All I want is some pulled pork and some ribs".  I got this debt covered! :D  Silly me, I opened my mouth and mentioned the smoked meatloaf we're doing tomorrow too so now that's part of the tab!  It's all good.



The spare ribs turned out incredible.  I used hickory this time, and like it much better than apple.
And the Smokehaus beer was very good also!
Looks like everyone's smokes are turning out great also.
A 4 lb piece of brisket is thawing for Monday.  Hope it turns out as good as squirtthecat's . . .

get smokin


The family requested bacon wrapped yard bird legs and some abt's.  gonna hit'em with some pecan.


Quote from: drano on September 05, 2009, 06:27:52 PM
A 4 lb piece of brisket is thawing for Monday.  Hope it turns out as good as squirtthecat's . . .

Well, we just had some for dinner (sammies), and it really did turn out well.

My OBS went crazy last night, first the pucks jammed, then the temperature shot to the 270s while I was asleep.   

Turns out, both were my fault.

I had a box of 'this and that' biscuits that I had stashed out in the garage.  Humidity had swollen some, and they ended up sticking together and jamming the smoke generator.   Lesson learned.

While dealing with that, I kept opening the door to see WTH was going on, so the cabinet temp (both the door an on my Maverick) had low readings - so I jacked up the temps thinking the ambient temperature was messing with me.

Sometime during the night, the wind calmed down, and my Bradley heated up with a vengeance.

Squirt (he really is a cat) woke me up at 4 and I stumbled out to look at my bank of Maverick remotes..  I saw 275 cabinet temps and 210-215 ITs of my brisket and pork butt.  Nevertheless, mild panic:  :o :o :o

I backed the slider down to the left and went back to bed.   Woke up and pulled it all out at 7AM.   

It actually turned out great!   The brisket is now 'pulled sliced shredded beef BBQ'.


Quote from: drano on September 05, 2009, 06:27:52 PM
The spare ribs turned out incredible.  I used hickory this time, and like it much better than apple.
And the Smokehaus beer was very good also!
Looks like everyone's smokes are turning out great also.
A 4 lb piece of brisket is thawing for Monday.  Hope it turns out as good as squirtthecat's . . .

get smokin

Great looking ribs there Drano. Your making me drool on the keyboard!  :D


Didn't get any pics of the loin or the Abt's they was hammered pretty hard as soon as the foil came off the loin and it was sliced but nobody went home hungry or thirsty.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


I'm heading out early for a club picnic. I will be working in the cook shak, where we make scampi shrimp, I think this year we have 5000 clams, corn on the cob, kielbasa and my own concoction of cajun/spicy shrimp/clams. I just throw everything I can find along with some stuff from home in a large CI pan and add clams and shrimp maybe some sausage. I keep adding more shrimp and clams as they get eaten to the pot. by the end of the day you end up with the most wonderful sauce you can imagine. And I just wing it every year. You never know whats going into the pot.  ;)

Have a great day!


Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!
I'm enjoying reading and seeing what everyone else is smoking.
I got a chance to smoke up some venison sausage yesterday and tomorrow I'm smoking a picnic pork roast.
PS Gizmo I wonder if WTS knows about your mesquite smoked beer? :D
Happy smoking!


Hey everyone .....

  Just got my smoker online after a year of recuperating (long story)

I have a 8 lb Butt for pulling tomorrow at 2 or 3 pm. 

When should it go in ?  Thats the ??? of the day.....

I plan on ftc after injecting with Apple Juice ..

It sits in fridg with a sweet rub we came up with....

Love the look of those Bacon wrapped Tator tots gonna give it a try,,,,,,,,,,,,,