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brisket - why only 4 hours

Started by Ben, February 22, 2005, 10:34:05 PM

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why do many recipes suggest only smoking a brisket for 4 hours and finishing w/out smoke?


Brisket can take in alot of smoke.  After about 4 hours it is generally smokey enough.  If you smoke it the whole cooking time it will be bitter and way to smokey.  


Chez Bubba

First, let me say that I like a fair amount of smoke & have rarely tasted anything that had too much "properly applied" smoke flavor.

For me, it's a law of diminishing returns. Raw meat absorbs flavors. That's why we marinate and/or dry rub. As the meat cooks, it loses it's ability to absorb flavor. This is the same reaction that seals in the juices to keep it moist.

In a long cooking project like a brisket or butt, most of the smoke flavor is gained during the first 4 or 5 hours. Additional smoke is not going to add that much more flavor, but it will add some. But when you compare the dollars spent to the flavor gained, it's a losing proposition.

If I were in a big Q competition, I'd probably spend the money. Otherwise, no one I've cooked for yet has the palate to discern such a subtle difference. I do have the advantage of lowered expectations because here in Indiana, which I refer to the Bar-B-Clueless State, anything grilled with a bunch of sauce slopped on is considered BBQ.[xx(] When I give them the real thing, they can't believe their mouths!


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Hi Ben,

Welcome to the Forum . . . don't be a stranger!

An additional reason for the 4-5 hour smoke times that CB mentions is that the smoke in the BS is more intense than most smokers.  For some woods like mesquite, cherry, and hickory, the smoke flavor is so conentrated that longer smoke times accentuate the pungency or  "ashtray" characteristics of the wood.  The more scientific explanation is that above 140F the ability of meat to absorb smoke flavor is reduced to just the very superficial surface layer.

Newton MA
Newton MA


P.S.--where are you from, Ben?  I'm collecting a list of North East BSers so we can get together once in a while . . . [:)]

Newton MA
Newton MA


Louisiana, I gave my father the Stainless Bradley for Christmas. I just happen to use it more than him!!


Hello Ben,

It is felt by some that it is only necessary to smoke for 1-2 hours.  I think that is true for chicken, and so far, when smoking chicken, the two hr time frame is the maximum.  

Brisket and Butt tend to take longer to get to that 140° temp, thus the 4 hour limit on smoking.  I have tried both for 4 hours, and both have come out great...Did my first brisket, smoking all the way to completion.  It really was a waste of bisquettes.

Some things have to be taken on faith.  Many of us have a few briskets and butts "under the belt."  More than 4 hrs makes the people selling bisquettes happy, but not really necessary.

I have learned my lessons on my "burnt offerings" that my dog never turns down, and the raves from family and friends about my cooking prowess.

Four hours of smoke is about perfect for a nice brisket.  I rarely smoke at tems in excess of 210° - also something I have learned from experience.  No race...just low and slow.

Go with the experience!  Learn from the mistakes of others.

Now to my other love...During Viet Nam, stationed briefly at Ft Polk...although if the earth  needed an enema, that would have been a good place to insert the tube, the community surrounding offered only the best in Cajun cuisine.  

My son got a full-ride track scholarship at University of New Orleans, and those wonderful tasty memories were ignited when I went back to visit him.  Crayfish etoufee.....my other love!

A special place for locals... Deanie's in Metarie!  I've eaten a $600 meal at Brennan's in New Orleans...it paled in comparison to the faire at Deanies....ordering mudbugs by the pound and etoufee to die for!  The family atmosphere there far more desireable to me!

Make sure and keep us up to date on your "smokes!"

Every once in awhile, tease us with those good southern recipes!


<i>There is room on earth for all God's creatures....on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.</i>
There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.