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BIG Jalapenos - Help (Edit: Sorry, I forgot the pic)

Started by ArnieM, September 17, 2009, 03:00:40 PM

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I went out to the local grocer today to get my butt for the weekend.  I wanted to get some jalapenos for ABTs too, but the store usually has a half dozen of wrinkled looking little things.  Wowsers!  Bonanza!  Also got a few habs for ADTs.  They had some nice really large peppers (see the family portrait below).  I figured that they'd be easy to core and stuff whole.  After the giddiness subsided, I had no idea how to stand 'em up.

Edit:  Sorry, I forgot the pic.

I've seen them laying down on the rack.  How do you do them that way?  Flip 'em part way through?  Does the bacon (buy one get one, good stuff) come out crispy?  Should they be finished off in the oven?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I'm going to make sure my yogurt slurping, bean sprout eating brother-in-law gets one of the ADTs.  ;D ;D ;D
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Are you sure they won't fit threw the Bradley racks?

No problem if you decide to lay them down. Do not overfill, keep the filling a little less then full, cause it will expand some and could squirt out and make a mess. Next, take a thin piece of Canadian bacon or ham and cover the opening with it. then wrap with the bacon. The ham will keep the cheese from running out all over the place. I would flip them over after an hour. And let them go till the bacon crisps up. Use thin sliced bacon if you can find it. The ADT's will be little firecrackers, keep them away from any youngens.  :)

I made a pepper rack out of an old cake pan once, let me see if I can find the pics. I just used a big step drill and carefully drilled 1" holes in it. Then drill a few other holes so the heat & smoke could flow through. I also drilled about 16 or so 1/2" holes in the sides, not shown in this pic.


Thanks pens.  I'll try a "dry fit" in the BS racks before stuffing them but several are pretty pudgy.  I got some nice deli-sliced baked ham when I got the other stuff today; that can probably cap 'em.  Yes, my bacon is pretty thin sliced.  This is going to be interesting.  I'll report back with the results.

Does everyone here own/work in a machine shop?  I can do 1 inch in wood, but not in metal.  :(
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


I think Pens is right about those fitting into the Bradley racks. Except maybe that one with the blunt end. My last couple of batches I had huge jalapenos and they fit, just needed a little extra push and twist, worked great.

Pens, do you think a 3/4" whole would work? My UniBit only goes to that size other wise I could use the hole saw but the edges are so darned rough with those.


As I said, I'll try a dry fit tomorrow.  I think 3/4 inch would do, but I can't do that either.  :(
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


QuotePens, do you think a 3/4" whole would work? My UniBit only goes to that size other wise I could use the hole saw but the edges are so darned rough with those.

I have seen 3/4" or 1" on the trays you can purchase. I went with the 1" when I made this so I was sure even the big peppers would fit. The toothpick will keep them from falling through. So I guess the answer would be: yes 3/4" will work in most cases. Make sure to put some vent holes in the sides and the top to allow the heat and smoke to flow through and around the peppers. works very well. I have used this on grills also.


Thanks Pens. Guess I'll start with the 3/4" and decide if I need the 1". What's the worst I can do? Have 2 trays for ABT's?  :D (Like that would be a problem!!)


OK.  I'll try to coax them into the BS racks in the morning.  Heck, tin snips here, bolt cutter there, something will work.

As always, I thank you guys for your input and - yes - inspiration.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


I think laying them on their side will be just fine.  We do em all the time on the grill before football games with em laying on their sides.  Never had a problem.  Of course we usually stuff ours with cream cheese or bean dip.  Not sure what you were planning on putting in there.


I like your thinking DTS.  I was going to use cream cheese, a few shredded cheeses and maybe crumbled bacon.  A mix of refried beans with some shredded jalapeno jack might be interesting.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Nice idea there with the cake pan. Will have to do that for sure.  ;D


Arnie I always lay mine on the side. to keep the cheese from running out cut the Jap in half length ways like a boat. 1 1/2 - 2 hours in the smoke and that "Good Bacon" will be just perfect.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Hi 10.5.  The original ABT recipe I saw called cutting the J's as you indicated, stuffing, filling out the 'top half' with cream cheese and wrapping in bacon.  Somehow, cutting off the stem, coring, stuffing and cooking upright sounded good (easier).  I have enough peppers so I'll try it both ways.  We live and we learn.

BTW, I tried my first stuffed grape leaves today.  Not bad, but not quite the way I wanted them.  I'm sure there are thousands, maybe even hundreds of recipes out there.  I'll put up a recipe when I get them the way I want them.  But, "the way I want them" is purely a matter of taste.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


This is one I bought at Academy ($13) all stainless. Holds 20 Jalas upright. If jalas are two small for openings
just use toothpicks for stoppers. My wife call ABT's...."next day reminders"

Hopefull Romantic

Quote from: classicrockgriller on September 18, 2009, 09:17:26 PM
My wife call ABT's...."next day reminders"

She is not kidding. These things can give you one serious wakeup call.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.