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About to purchase and need some help

Started by brewerpac, September 24, 2009, 08:05:21 PM

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Welcome , Glad to have you with us.

This is the place to learn, lots of good info and helpful friendly Members.


MES 40" w/1200 Watt Element & Window
Bradley BSS



Thanks for the welcome.

I'm driving out to meet Bryan at Yard & Pool today to purchase the SS and some things to go with it.

Can't wait.



Coop, I know I couldn't wait either, but the smoke food will be worth the wait. Congrats again.   CRG


Hey CRG and all,

Thanks for the congrats.

Just wanted to give you an update and to let you know that my wait is over: I picked up the SS smoker and everything else (except the cold smoke adaptor, which is coming tomorrow) on Saturday afternoon out at Yard & Pool in Frederick MD.

Bryan was kind enough to meet me there, knowing that Saturday was the only day that I could make it, even though they are normally closed then this time of the year.
He really put together a nice package for me.  The cover, the Bubba pucks, the high-temp screens, the Maverick ET-73, a couple of different rubs, and every type of wood available as a 12-pack.

I really can't say enough about his attention to detail and the excellent service. All of you who have endorsed him and Y&P were right on the mark! Y&P has got a customer for life with me.  I'm glad that Bryan and the store are just an hour's drive away for me.

After seasoning the Bradley for 2 hours with Special Blend bisquettes, I put in some boneless country-style ribs (loin cut- about 3 lbs), then, later, 1 lb each of sea scallops and shrimp, and 4 portabello mushrooms.  I started with 1 hour of the Jim Beam bisquettes (man, did they smell great as I sipped on a Rogue whiskey- sorry, I didn't have any JB around) and followed it with more of the Special Blend for the seafood and mushrooms. My wife and 10-yo son were as happy with the results as I was.
As I told Bryan, even my picky-eater 7-yo daughter likes the Bradley, but only because she loves the smell of the smoke.  I was a picky eater as a kid, so I know that she'll come around one day and be like me, trying everything at least once.  And loving the smell of the smoke is a good start!

I can't wait until next weekend so that I can get out there again.

Any suggestions on what I should try next time as a novice?

Should I go for the mesquite bisquettes?  Keep in mind that I'm born and bred in the Chesapeake region, the Land of Pleasant Living (which means that, even though I love all kinds of meat and will be doing a lot of it, I'm also going to be doing a lot of fish and seafood- I'm still thinking about trying crab cakes and some soft crabs in the BS).

So, in other words, I'm not from Texas and I may not be able to properly handle the Wood of the Gods.




Welcome to our addiction....

On the mesquite - I would try it, not more than an hour or two... Just so you can taste it. I wouldn't go out and buy a 120-box or anything.

I've put it on Beef, Chicken and baby back ribs.

I would smoke a whole chicken, then tackle a pork butt.

I happen to know the cold-smoked rib recipe on the recipe site is excellent....  :D :D ::)
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!



Chicken drummies, turkey breast, bone-in ham (just a cheapo water-added one) are all good starters, an only take a few hours.  Maybe some turkey drumsticks, if you are in to such things.

Pork butts are quite forgiving, but be prepared for an 18+ hour start-to-finish time investment. 

I've been using an Apple/Pecan combination on everything.   Mild enough, but still with a nice 'smokey' flavor. 

Never tried mesquite, and I find hickory a bit too strong.


Quote from: FLBentRider on October 05, 2009, 11:40:43 AM

On the mesquite - I would try it, not more than an hour or two... Just so you can taste it. I wouldn't go out and buy a 120-box or anything.

Welcome to the forum Coop!  I'd go for the 120 of mesquite....if you don't like it you can always send whats left to me!   ;D  Once again Welcome and keep us posted!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


brewerpac, Sounds like you had a heck of a busy weekend. Glad the wait is over and the fun has begun. Every region or person has things they like and dislike. I would do things that you already like and see if the difference in the bradley makes it better for you. There are somethings I have smoked but like better charcoal grilled. Save the mesquite for a day when you want to try a stronger wood. Get to know the Bradley and then you are on you way. You and your family will enjoy this for a long time and that 7 yr old will be eatin smoke ribs right beside Daddy in no time. My Daughter is 28 and lives in Nashville and I send her about 60 lbs of smoke/grilled food every month. It cost me a small fortune for the vac-pac and thick walled cooler and ups 2 day shipping, But when she ask daddy couldn't say no. Keep us posted on your new smoke adventure.   CRG


Chicken wings, 2 Hr Alder, cabnet temp set at 220 F, when smoke is done finish on the grill to crisp up the skin.

When I grow up I'll have "The Big Easy"

Chicken would be a good follow up smoke, just remember to keep the vent wide open when doing poultry.

I like Alder or Apple on poultry, Oak on brisket, Hickory on bacon and Pecan on every thing else, but thats just me. Try a little of each to see what you like.


My Bad

Congrads on your first smoke. Sounds like every thing went well.

Keep the smoke rolling.

Hopefull Romantic

Congratulation on the purchase. Wish you lots of smokes with great results.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


Welcome to the forum brewerpac.  You'll meet a bunch of very nice and helpful people here.  But, beware.  Many have gone over the edge on adult beverages and they, they can't, they, what was I saying?

Quote from: westexasmoker on October 05, 2009, 11:47:48 AM
Quote from: FLBentRider on October 05, 2009, 11:40:43 AM

On the mesquite - I would try it, not more than an hour or two... Just so you can taste it. I wouldn't go out and buy a 120-box or anything.

Welcome to the forum Coop!  I'd go for the 120 of mesquite....if you don't like it you can always send whats left to me!   ;D  Once again Welcome and keep us posted!
Yeah, you would.  Maybe you can get an entire pallet load?

-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Hey all,

Thanks for all of the great suggestions about which woods to use and which smokeable edibles to try next.

What I don't get to this coming weekend, I'll keep in mind for Halloween weekend when we're planning a big BBQ with some of the neighbors.  My buddy up the street, who competes in a BBQ competition at the Jersey shore every summer, will be manning his Big Green Egg and I of course will be getting the Bradley working early in the day and also using my Weber gas grill as needed.  There may be some mesquite involved that weekend! Definitely the Jim Beam will be employed.
And, Arnie, I'm sure that the adult beverages will be a factor, for better or worse (but with some Belgian Trappist ales, IPAs, an imperial stout or two, some Zinfandel, single malts, and rye whiskey, either neat or by way of Manhattan, it can only be for the better).

Hey CRG, 60 lbs of smoked/grilled food per month!!?? Wow, you are a good dad. Would you like to adopt a 45-yo man who is relatively housebroken? ;D

Glad to be a part of the Bradley community,
