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I should be on the payroll

Started by Quarlow, October 20, 2009, 10:44:40 PM

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Quote from: pensrock on October 23, 2009, 07:31:08 PM
. Back then it was mainly offered to the girls
ahem.  ummmm.....uhhhhh.......why do you think was the reason that most of us footballers got to be good typists.  I don't remember what else we could have taken in the off-season between football and baseball, but the lure of so many girls in one class with just a few of us was just too much to resist. 
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


CS, I think your shift key is broken  ;D
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


me:Hi Bryan
he:Back atcha Colin
me:Thanks for the pic it looks great on the background,even my kids were drooling over it. And my daughter who is quite the photo bug said that it was an excellent pic.
he:Well thank you for that . . . and as I recall . . . it was awful damn tastee to boot!
me:The 4 rack will do you well especially on the points. And with the extra racks you would be able to do about 40lbs of fish maybe more.

he:More than adequate for my purposes.
me:I am going to order the kit for the brackets today for mine(well as soon as they are availible). I do almonds and with those the more the better, cause 4lbs will be gone in no time once everyone finds out I did them.
he:Almonds is not something I would have thought about doing . . . do you salt them as well?
me:The digital would be nice, but this way you can wait till funds come free and get the PID, which is really nice. You can set it to bring ot up to one temp hold it there for a lenght of time, step up to another temp for awhile then step up again and so on. This is refered to as ramping and it is really good for doing salmon because you don't want to heat it to fast as that will push the fats out of the fish and you end up with what they call boogers, which is white blobs of the fats that cook to the surface. The "Bradley" digital I don't think you can set temperature ramps just set to the one temp and then it will turn on and off to maintain the set temp.
he:Sounds like the PID is the way to go . . . albeit a fairly pricey little gizmo . . . but better to get the best operation with me thinks . . . and can add that at anytime down the road.
he:Do you use a BRADLEY Digital Thermometer as well? Seems to me you must need a thermometer of some type to measure how well done the food is . . . otherwise how would you know if something is cooked right . . . or is there another option?
he:You know I went to "Bradley's" office the once and can't remember what the lay out was. I remember thinking they should have better signs. I am going by there today, I will stop and refresh my memory and let you know.
he:I figgered I must have had the wrong address cuz there were no signs at all that I could see . . . and I was expecting some significant signage somewhere . . . so didn't look too closely after no initial sign sighting.
me:As far as the food quality you won't be dis appointed.
he:Most that I am reading is extremely positive so must be good.
me:The forum is so broad in diversity that to say you would only get specific info there is selling it short. This is like no other forum I have ever seen. And the characters other are the best of the best. As I said, it is global and you can't ask a question without getting the answer cause someone has already done it. And the variety is the spice on there.
he:Hey . . . that's what a good forum is s'posed to do!
me: To leave your smoker out side, "Bradley sells a really good cover for it, but as I live in Surrey, I would not leave it out.
he:Damn . . . this is starting to sound fateful . . . I live in Surrey also . . . and I work a few yards away from BRADLEY HQ . . . I don't think I stand a chance now!
me:My backyard is on the alley and wide open to anyone. But a lot of the guys will build a shed and put it in, which is good for when the wind is blowing, it helps to keep the temps stable. I bring mine in each time and it is not that heavy. The smoke tower is only about 20lbs and the smoke generator detaches easily, It just lifts of and 2 cords to disconnect. Easy. I keep mine right in the kitchen for now till I get my garage set up and the smell just drives us nuts. The kids walk past it and say dad when you going to smoke something. I don't smoke every weekend but it is so convenient I can get home from work and set it up in 2 mins, add an 1hr of smoke to some chickens then throw them on the bbq and theres dinner.
he:So you smoke the chicken for an hour in the BRADLEY then remove and grille them on a conventional BBQ to finish?
me: I got mine in about 4 days, they are really quick at Save-on foods for ordering stuff.
he:That's damn quick . . . but I guess it should be with BRADLEY being local.
me:Ok Bryan this has be fun spreading the word. Someone on the forum said I was the Bill Mays of the "Bradley" and he will pay for that, hehe, I have ways to make him pay. But you will be convincing your buddy Jim that this is the best when you have him over for a smoked dinner and some fresh smoked salmon.
he:Well the salmon I smoked with an LC was fab . . . so if the BRADLEY produces better . . . whoeee!!!
me:I was with my brothers last night and some of the salmon I gave them came out. It did not last to long at all. My bro that has the 6 rack digital just gorged on it. He makes the best jeky I have ever tasted, especially his "honey garlic" and his " spicy teriyaki" but he still loves my salmon.
he:Not a big jerky fan . . . and I don't think I have found anything yet that beats good smoked salmon!
me:Hey got to go. I am going to get the stuff to cure a whole boneless pork loin os I can smoke up some "Canadian back bacon" next weekend. But for tonight it's beer butt chickens in the smoker.
he:I've done them on the grille with fab results . . . do you do them complete in the BRADLEY . . . how long do they take? (oops I forgot to answer that question)

me:Have a good one Bryan.

he:Thx Colin . . . you too . . . and enjoy those beer butt chickens!

I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


me: Hey, I for got to mention that their office sells the stuff like a retail, so no problem just walking in and getting what you need. They may send you around the back to pick it up but they will help you out for sure.
he:Colin, The SOF option looks to be the most economical so far . . . although you never know when something may pop up on C/L . . . their shop could be convenient for accessories and bisquettes tho . . . but will have to source out the suppliers cost wise . . . this is still going to add up to a sig chunk of change when you add in . . . a cover . . . and a thermometer . . . and a PID . . . and bisquettes . . . and . . .


I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Hopefull Romantic

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


Next installment:

me:Hey Bryan,

he:Yo Colin

me: That fish had to taste good, just look at it, Man.

he:Looked great on the grille . . . and even better the closer it got to my belly . . .

me: A 4 rack will definitly get the job done.

he:Plenty for my purposes methinks.

me:The almonds are soak in a salt brine for 24 hrs. Then spread out on a baking sheet to dry, the you line your smoker racks with cheese clothe and spread out the almonds and smoke for 3 hrs. They go real quick.

he:Are you allowed to drink beer . . . with them???

me:Yeah the PID is great for these smokers and after christmas I will be getting mine.

he:Sounds like pretty much an eventual necessity.

me: I don't use the "Bradley" thermo, I have a couple I got from Superstore. Totally not happy with them, although one is wireless so it is nice. Most of the forum members use the "Maverick ET-73" which is a cordless on that you can have upto 3 probes on at once which is real handy. This is the one I mentioned that was modified with an added antenna to get longer range. They like to tinker these guy. So it works real well for them now. They can be ordered from "Yardandpool.com". It is good to have 2 or more probes, One for the internal meat temp and it is best to have one probe just under the the meat to give the cabinet temp.

he:Does the BRADLEY thermo not work . . . or is the ET-73 just better? The ET-73 is a little more expensive so it should be better?

me: I didn't get a chance to stop there, my brothers were in a hurry. But if you go to that address and pull right in you will see it. I think I will have to let them know about their signage.

he:I will swing by again . . . seems very strange they are not more readily located . . . but I s'pose they do not cater to retail.

me: As you can imagine. The info on the forum is top notch, and they are the friendliest bunch you will find.
Well when the planets align like that you should listen.

he:Hey . . . I'm listenin' hard!

me: I didn't have enough time to do them like that , so I just gave them an hour of smoke and then cook them on the BBQ
Thats the first time I did them like that and they had a nice smoke flavour and they were juicy. The next time I will cook them completely in the smoker and then just brown them on the grille..

he:Are you talkin' wings here . . . or beer butts???

me: Save-ons is pretty quick with their stuff, They usually tell you it will be up to ten days but somethings we have gotten took only 2 days.

he: More good news.

me: You will not be disappointed with this smoker Bryan.

he:Hearin' nothin' but good things.

me: The beef jerky is nothing like what you buy in the store. Once you get it figured out, you will be surprised at the flavour of it.
As far as the back bacon I have not done one yet so it will be fun learning, but lots of the gang on the forum have so it is not like I am going it alone

he:Damn . . . I bet those taste sweet!

me: I just have to go to the recipe site that one member has set up with all the recipes from the forum, and follow the directions. And any questions will be answered shortly. As far as the other toys tools, get as you can afford them.

he:Sounds addicting!

me:This is about good food and having some fun doing it, Not break the bank. Add a piece here and there. For the time being just use a oven thermo in the smoker for your internal temp.
he:But then that means you have to open the door to check . . . then you lose all your smoke/heat . . . not a good plan is it?

me: Or get a cheap electronic on from superstore to start, they work but not the best.
he:Could try that . . . but I won't be satisfied 'til I have all the proper doodads.

me: Bradley also has some specialty Bisquettes made out of barrels from "Crown Royal" and "Jack Daniels", I got to try those.

he:Now yer talkin' . . . those sound like I gotta try 'em!

me:Well if you have anymore questions just ask.

he:Well here's another one . . . do you use . . . Bubba Pucks I think they are called . . . spacers to push out the last 2 or 3 bisquettes . . . or do you just add 2 or 3 extra bisquettes?
couldn't a guy just cut them out of a piece of lumber the proper thickness?

Last question . . . how much weight am I gonna gain . . . Yee Haw!!!


Thanks for the mucho info!



Hi Bryan,
I'll bet it was good.

I am more than happy with my 4 rack OBS, sure you will be too.
Beer with Almonds........I think that is an unwritten rule isn't it.

PID. I think it's the best way to go if you are doing smoked salmon or jerky, and sausage if you are so inclined.

I don't know much about the bradley thermo, But knowing Bradley they will stand behind it. I just will have the need for at least 2 and probably 3 probes in the future.

Take their phone # with you and if you can't find it just call them from out front, they'll tell you where to go ( no pun intended). The receptionist is a very pleasant women.

Wings, no I was refering to the beer butts. I can't wait to try the back bacon. The pics I have seen look awesome.
As losing all the heat, if you get a thermo with the cord on it, you just slip the probe in the smoke vent and stick it in the food. And what we do is take a brick or 2 and wrap it in tinfoil and put that inside the smoker before you start it up. It acts as a thermo mass so that when you have to open the door when you shut it your temp recovers way quicker. And what self respecting maan would be happy without the right doodad's.
I don't have the bubba pucks yet, when the funds become availible I will get some. Another fella caled BigJohnT is making some called JT pucks on his CNC machine and they look pretty sweet here is a link to his stuff.http://www.smokeandstuff.com/. These are the ones I am getting. But you could use hardwood, One guy took an oak branch or something and stuck it in the lathe and made some out of that. Then when they get charred he just grabs another one. Or you could just get a piece of aluminum round stock 2 1/4" x 1/2" x 3 pieces and they work to. but for now I just use 3 extra bisquettes and try to catch it before it chars to much.
As for the extra weight, well you could just chase the little woman around the house while you are waiting for the smoker. Just don't forget to set a timer or something.LOL
Good luck and keep in touch
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.



Well I think I talked him into it. He is going to get an OBS from the grocery store points like I did.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.



Good job Q, I also got mine from Save-on with points. Got to love gettin things fro free.
Just got a dehydrater from Save-on also.

Original Bradley Smoker
Cold Smoker Attachment
Teal Termapen

Hopefull Romantic

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


Hey a dehydrator.......hmm that might be handy.LOL
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Ok we have ignition, Bryan has put his order in for the Bradley OBS from Save-On Foods and should have it by next Friday.
(this e-mail has been edited.)
he:Hey Colin
me: I am more than happy with my 4 rack OBS, sure you will be too.
he:Should do the trick!
me:Beer with Almonds........I think that is an unwritten rule isn't it.
he:YUP . . . in my house anyways!
me:PID. I think it's the best way to go if you are doing smoked salmon or jerky, and sausage if you are so inclined.
he:Gotta think 'bout that C note tho!
me:I don't know much about the bradley thermo, But knowing Bradley they will stand behind it. I just will have the need for at least 2 and probably 3 probes in the future.
he:Might go with simpler and cheaper . . . to start with . . . can always upgrade later if need be.
me:Wings, no I was refering to the beer butts. I can't wait to try the back bacon. The pics I have seen look awesome.
he:I love back bacon . . . lemmee see . . . load up the smoker before going to bed Sat night . . . let the back bacon smoke all night . . . up Sun mornin' and get the missus to whip up a batch of waffles . . . with fresh dairy butter . . . dripping in maple syrup . . . poached eggs . . . and fresh hot smoked back bacon . . . mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
me:As for losing all the heat, if you get a thermo with the cord on it, you just slip the probe in the smoke vent and stick it in the food.
he:Saw that . . . seems that would work slick.
me:And what we do is take a brick or 2 and wrap it in tinfoil and put that inside the smoker before you start it up. It acts as a thermo mass so that when you have to open the door when you shut it your temp recovers way quicker. And what self respecting maan would be happy without the right doodad's.
he:Well damn . . . that sounds like a fine idea . . . do you set the bricks in the lowest rack? What does the tinfoil do?
me:I don't have the bubba pucks yet, when the funds become availible I will get some. Another fella called BigJohnT is making some called JT pucks on his CNC machine and they look pretty sweet here is a link to his stuff.http://www.smokeandstuff.com/.  You could use hardwood, One guy took an oak branch or something and stuck it in the lathe and made some out of that. Then when they get charred he just grabs another one. Or you could just get a piece of aluminum round stock 2 1/4" x 1/2" x 3 pieces and they work to. But for now I just use 3 extra bisquettes and try to catch it before it chars to much.
he:Seems to me it shouldn't be too diff to gerry rig up something that would work . . . gotta save some bucks somewhere.
me:As for the extra weight, well you could just chase the little woman around the house while you are waiting for the smoker. Just don't forget to set a timer or something.LOL
he:Yee Haw . . . now yer talkin' . . . gotta sell that to the missus . . . bonus!

Good luck and keep in touch

Thanks again for all the assistance Colin!



PS:  And oh . . . by the way . . . you can go put in for your commission now . . . I ordered an original Black thru the SAVE ON FOODS MORE REWARDS program today . . . Yee Haw!!!

They said it should be here in 'bout a week . . . so the wait begins . . .

Time now . . . to start lookin' at recipes!!!

Hi Bryan, I know what you mean about the price of the PID, that is why I don't have one yet. But it is a must have for me, so it's on the list.
The pics from other members Back bacon or cbb as they refer to it will make you want to do it too.
The tinfoil on the bricks just keeps the bricks clean, easier to wrap new tinfoil than to scrub a brick. I put one in the bottom of the cabinet with the water bowl and the other I put on the drip tray or on the first rack if it is not in use close to the heating element.
Yeah you can use anything that is the right size and won't catch fire. The JT pucks are on sale now, but I guess I forgot what custom was worth cause they are to rich for my blood. At $27. a piece I think I will be going to the scraper for some stock. I can cut myself. If I come up with some I will get enough to make you and my brother some too.

When your chasin' the other half around the homestead make sure you leave some energy for eating.LOL

Right on Bryan, you are in for a treat with your smoker and the golden rule is to never shut your smoke vent. Always leave it 1/2 to all the way open. Wide open for chicken.
Some free bisquettes or a towel would be cool. But I only did this to help spread the word. This thing is bigger than both of us and when you start trying to decide what to smoke and are looking at all the recipes you will see how big it is.
   Good luck Bryan and keep in touch. You've got my
E-address so you know where to find me.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.
