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Update on Recipe Site...

Started by Oldman, March 03, 2005, 06:08:40 AM

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Ok all it is a long ways from being done. At first I felt the Header was to busy, so I changed it into a simple see through. Next, all items through Chicken and Eggs have been added.

We are not certain if we are going to stay with this lay out. We would like your opinion at this point. Anyway here is what we have at the moment.

Recipe Site

And with that I will say good night Miss Gracy!



Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Olds and Crew,
IMO the layout is AWESOME. This is going to be very helpful to anyone that enjoys making great Q.

<font face="Georgia"><b><font size="4"><font color="blue">
Nice job guys!!!
</font id="blue"></font id="size4"></b></font id="Georgia">



I think the layout looks fine.  I am not a big fan of dark text on dark backgrounds.  For the titles (large and bold) it is OK, but for the body text, I find it hard to read.  For example, the white text on the bisquette selection story I find much easier to read than the purple text on the ABT recipe.  I also think the red text on black reads OK, but I think the dark green on black is also hard to read.

There is a typo in one of the link titles (Fish cures, Brimes).  I assume you will pull the non-recipe items into their own section once you settle on the format you want to use?


bsolomon I agree with you about the color of the text. It will be a few days before Unk can work on this again as he is only off two days per week and just went back.  I will make sure the typo is corrected them...and yes non-smoker items will be moved.

Once Unk has set up the final format he will show me what to do so we can add future recipes etc... This way there will not be such a time-line drag. (I've learned it is better to have a 20 year old do the hard work then just show you how it is done.) [^]

bsolomon and all I thank you for this input. This is your recipe site...not mine. I'm only hosting it. There are times when you look at something and look at it so long you cannot see the end of your nose let alone the forest for the trees. Your input is so important to the end product....

Again, Thank You for taking the time to really look it all over.

BTW bsolomon, if you don't have a good upload area for your pictures let me know. We will set you up as we did Duck-Man and FuzzyBear! Then you can post your own pictures... This offer is good for every member here.


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Looks good Raye!


<i>There is room on earth for all God's creatures....on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.</i>
There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.



I must say I always seem to eat everything before I remember to take any pictures[:D], but I would be happy to have some space to host a few pictures.  You can email me with the details if you want.


Looks super, Raye!

I generally don't care about the text color vs. background, but the rule of thumb is very light on very dark or vice versa.  Black-on white or white-on black provides the best contrast and is easiest to view.  Yellow text on a dark blue background is also pretty high contrast and therefore easy to view.

Newton MA
Newton MA



The site looks great.  A fine idea to have all the recipes in 1 place.  You will become a legend.[^][^]
