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TEXAS SIZE BOAR....A Piney Woods Rooter

Started by classicrockgriller, October 26, 2009, 10:59:55 PM

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I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.

Dr. Evil

hmmm, those guys dont look like Texans or Cajuns... ;D   ;D

Are you sure about this griller? 
Brian Bradley for Prime Minister !!


Quote from: elizaine729 on September 12, 2010, 09:15:05 AM
you're a scumbag for killing a boar that old!!!!! you're not a real man

Don't get to upset there elizaine, it's just a photoshop touch up picture. This photo has been floating around the web for years.  :)


elizaine, First of all Welcome to the Forum!

As iceman has stated, this was a photoshop touch up pic that I got in an E-mail

that I though was funny, so I shared it with others. If you think that Pig is real ......

Well I just don't know what to tell ya.

I hunt and I killed animals and I don't ask them for their Drivers License to check

their age before I pull the trigger. I don't hunt for the fun of killing an animal, I

eat what I hunt. I'm not the scumbag that shot that pig, it was another scumbag.

And you are right! I am not a real man. I am actually a female robot named Rosie

and I am the House Keeper for George Jetson and Family.

Also I don't post to make someone mad, So I am gonna leave this up for a couple

of days so that Hopefully you have come by and read this reply. And then to avoid

a similar problem (people actually thinking that pig was real) I will eliminate this thread.

Bradley (Head Office)


Elizaine will not be comming around to read anything I have delete his or her account and banned them from joining this forum again

he or she should have read the topic before posting those remarks that way they would have known you did not shoot the pig

sorry I didnt catch this earlier Sonny

You can delete this entire thread if you want or let me know and I will if that is your wish.



I say leave it up. Everybody needs urban legends and dreams of the big one out there. It was pretty obvious that it was not real but hey, it was fun talking about how the heck are you gonna fit that on a pit of any type!

I can just imagin what type of e-mail the History Channel is getting right now about Swamp People. I work with Troy Landry's brother and he is the real deal.

These people who drop in and try to disrupt or inflame are a small minority and it is time that we all stand up to them and say STOP!

VOTE! They are a small amount of people that have actually got off their butt and have changed the world in their own way.

Sorry. But enough is enough.

They did the same thing when that young man shot that huge hog in Georgia. They made him out like he was a criminal of some sort. He was just a young boy that had a wonderful time that he will always remember.
The fight isn't over until the winner says it is.


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I am really mad >:( i let my pet piggy Elizaine out to go potty and this happens!
I cannot believe you are proud of wrestling my pet to the ground and strangling it to death
while wearing your Winnie the pooh slippers..this is just is not right!

Other than that my vote is to keep this thread alive....Like McDonalds.........I'm Lovin' it!
2 Bradley OBS
Some people are like Slinkies... They're really good for nothing.
...But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.



Personally what he had to say didn't bother me.

I've been called worst. ;D

Kinda hate if he was wanting to learn about smoking that

he will miss out on a GREAT Forum.

Tiny Tim

I'm thinkin' he/she weren't here to learn about smokin', only about tuning their craft of trolling.

Bradley (Head Office)

Hi Sonny

I have to agree with TT on this one

He was not here to learn about smoking, and if by chance he was
he definitely started off on the wrong foot.

There was no reason to lash out at you for that posting, and it did bother me.



I want you to know that I was personally offended when you started this thread almost a year ago. ;) :D

How in the heck did Elizaine even dig that thing up?  That person difinitely needs something better to do with their life.  Geez, I'm just glad he/she didn't find the thread with all of the hunting "kills" pics.  PETA would be along to shut our little forum down! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Chili Head

I know where I can get a 50 gallon drum to brine one of those hams  ;D ;)


Quote from: KyNola on September 13, 2010, 08:49:10 AM
I want you to know that I was personally offended when you started this thread almost a year ago. ;) :D

How in the heck did Elizaine even dig that thing up?  That person difinitely needs something better to do with their life.  Geez, I'm just glad he/she didn't find the thread with all of the hunting "kills" pics.  PETA would be along to shut our little forum down! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Ok...  I know there's "no stupid questions" here...
So, (I'm sure this has been answered before, but...)
Exactly how do you hunt a PETA?  If I bag one, should I spatchcock it immediately after I smash the head with a rock?
Or wait until I gut it?
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