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Inside the "Bradley Smoker"

Started by Fuzzybear, February 16, 2004, 12:20:28 AM

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Anyone can answer, but this topic is primarily aimed at Kirk at Chez Bubba...

Got my smoker as many know and I have a question.

Since it came basically assembled other than connecting the smoke generator, I didn't think to much about how the inside was put together.

So I'm cleaning it today and think that the drip tray should be positioned more as a collector to funnel drippings into the water bowl. Mine came with it pointing up instead of down so, sure enough I go look at the book and I have it upside down!  No big deal but now I have another question.

In my smoker, the 500 watt heating element has a shroud - it is in a position that would seem to collect matter rather than defelect it from the element...should I remove this and reinstall it so that anything dripping will hit it and go into the bowl or the bottom tray?

Should I leave it the way it is?  My instruction booklet does not mention this particular item - it does show the element as being exposed however and that's how it is now with the shroud - does the element need to be protected?

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


My thought on that is that it's a shield to prevent the water bowl from splashing on it. I would think if you changed it and put it on top, It would prevent the smoker from getting as hot as it should.maybe Kirk could verify that for you.
Congratulations on finally getting your BS.[:D]

<i><font color="blue"><b>Jack</i></font id="blue"></b>


Thanks for the input Jack.

I was thinking along the same lines - as the puck plunks into the water, it would deflect the splash from the element.  I was also thinking if I flipped it, it would hinder the heating process - we're thinking along the same lines but was looking for confirmation...

Yeah, that smoker is so nice...after seasoning/a chicken/jerky it is really nice and brown inside now!

Can't wait for my first salmon smoke!

I noticed another post by you Jack where we were giving info to DLT...I noticed that my BS was slow to rise in temp - it was 40 outside when I did the chicken - it got to the 220 but would not go much higher and that was with the temp control at high and the smoke generator going...I guess ideal outside temps would be around 60-70 or so.  I had a direct hookup (no extension cord) and only 1 chicken (4.5 lbs) going.

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


I would say it has to be on the bottom to deflect any water from the dropping pucks. Also, try tob let your smoker warm up for about 20 mins. or so. This should bring the heat up. Two weeks ago it was about 20 degrees and I smoked about 80 lbs. of sausage. Worked great. Good luck with the B. S.


I had my BS up to 250F when it was 20F outside.I only had 2 turkey breasts in it though.With only 1 chicken in I would think that the temp. would gradually raise.How long did you let them smoke?

<i><font color="blue"><b>Jack</i></font id="blue"></b>



My chicken (4.5 lbs) was in there at 220 for 4 hours of which 3 were smoke (mesquite)  Internal breat temp (thermo thru the vent hole into the breast) was 165 when I pulled it out - I would do it again but take it out when the temp gets to 160.

It was the only thing in there - you can eyeball the photo at the "Chicken" post and take a look at it. I think I posted the same photo over on Sheriff's post about How the wood burns

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Chez Bubba


You're correct about the V-shaped tray, it should be installed to be a "V", not an "A". They only pack it that way because of the space & the stuff.

The deflector by the bulb is, as you've deduced, designed to keep water from splashing on the bulb. If you were to invert it, the smoker would not heat evenly and would risk meltdown. If the drip tray is installed as a "V", it will shield the bulb from most of the drippings. The bulb will still get spattered a bit, but it's no big deal. It just can't be fed a constant diet of fat or you risk combustion.

Regarding your temp not going up as high as you'd like, you said you had no extension cord. But what other items are on the same circut as the outlet you plugged into? This could inhibit the ability draw enough juice as well.

Glad you're now a player & no longer a spectator,


Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?



Things is good - mayhaps some salmon this weekend - I only have the store bought variety down here though...

I really, really need Kummok to pack some on dry ice and ship it down!!![}:)]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


FUZZ,I am happy[:D]that you are smokin.Today is day 11 of delivery in 10-12 days.I called ABBBQ and they told me they would  notify me when shipped.Also told me I would be getting 4 boxes BS,cover,& pucks via Fed-Ex[:(]I have 12 racks of ribs waiting on my BS.Meantime I'm going to order Bubba Pucks.[B)]



Good luck Chef!

I'm still waiting for my cover and box o' pucks...

Can't wait till you get up and running - I wanna smell those ribs man!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


I figure the shroud is to force the heat up, in doing so though i noticed it also cooks the rear of the smoker faster, so you really need to rotate.


A note to anyone,
Does anyone know how many hours a heating bulb lasts?


Got some Winter King taking up room in the freezer...up here it's getting "old"....down there, it's gourmet!!  Email me your address and I'll see what I can do.....might accept help with postage due to cost of $pecial packaging/faaast $hipping, but fish is gratis.

Note to any Fish and Game lurkers.....this is a GIFT, e.g. FREE, no money changin hands so stay away from me, I'm retired, love to fish/smoke and send these little pieces of Alaska to friends/fellow smokers[:D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Thanks Kummok - I emailed you with the info...let me know if there is anything else.

Where you been?  Fishing I hope!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


Had guests in the cabin last few days.....an F15 pilot/wife with lots of stories....started recess day before Valentines and finally caught up yesterday....alas, no fish[:(] but still LOTS of winter ice!

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA