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Excellent Forum site

Started by trout, February 16, 2004, 01:15:40 AM

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I am very pleased with the forum on this site.  The discussions are very timely and everyone is very positive.  How long has this forum existed??  Back when I was trying to decide whether to buy a cookshack or a Bradley smoker, the forum was one thing I liked about the cookshack.  There was so much information, recipes, troubleshooting help ect....  At the time there was not much of a discussion on the Bradley.  I still ended up purchasing the Bradley smoker and am happy to discover this site so that I don't have to learn all the ups and downs on my own.  A toast to you all[:D][:D]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.


Welcome Trout - I don't know how long this forum has been around but I would guess sometime around January 2003 from what I can tell from the posts.

 The forum moderator is a fellow by name of John Watkins - a distributor out of Devon, England.

I bumped across it as many others have...doing research.

I say keep the trout and smoke it too! - Only about 1 hour though!

Good luck with your new toy!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


My first smoking experience in a Little Chief smoker was a mess of trout caught north of Bishop, CA.  I was concerned that the fish was thoroughly cooked and not raw, so I ignored the instruction manual, struck out on my own into uncharted territory for me and smoked it for 36 hours....even set my alarm to keep the smoke going......best smoked trout CHIPS ever!! [:D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA



LOL!  That was too funny - 36 hour trout chips, but I liked it![:o)]

Most of my trout on the smoker has come from Bishop Creek/Intake II/North Lake and Rock Creek Lake.[8D]

Interestingly enough, I've found that the large farm trout (when fresh)actually taste better in the smoker than those from the lakes...no mossy taste...[:D]

I think from now on, my trout fishing will most likely be catch and release unless I bag and Alpers...and I just might let that go too, after a picture is taken of course![;)]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


You guys are killing me here.  I have, on occasion eaten trout too.  But I find it to be a rather bland fish compared to salmon.  The flavor is just what you put on it, not much on it's own.  I catch trout all day, then go home and have a steak, pork loin, maybe some crablegs...........  After all I'm not a canibal.  By the way, here in the midwest (US) large panfish make good smoking fare as well.  Smoked whole, everything just peels off the bones after smoking.[:p]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.


Well Trout, I must admit that I would have a tendancy to agree with you on the trout flavor but.....................we like to smoke it, let it sit overnight and have it the next day with crackers and cheese along with a beer or gin or wine!!!

You'll have to post some Panfish recipies....catfish?

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Cold Smoke

I'm glad you brought up the subject of catfish, Fuzzybear. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in smoking kitties. I have a few in the freezer and have not been able to find a recipe for good smoked cats. I have never tasted them smoked but I've been told from guys in these parts of the country that once you've tasted smoked catfish, you'll throw away the salmon. Don't beat up on me salmon lovers (there are many of you it appears), like I said I've never sampled any but I hear it's delish. By the way, I'm also very anxious to try my hand at salmon- keeping an eye on your tips/recipes.

Great forum indeed!

Cold Smoke


Well, I'm home sick today...I'll eyeball the internet and see what I can find about whisker fish and post over in the recipie section.

I've not smoked any either and haven't had any since I was a pup and pops went fishing for them...heck, we had one bad boy in our bathtub for a week before mom had enough of him!  Had to put him back.

I've heard that fried kitties are good but????

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Chez Bubba


A toast back atcha! The forum is about exchanging ideas & experiences. You're participating too, keep up the good work. Seems like yesterday I was at post #13.[:)]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Smoked cats are good, but I still think that salmon is best. My dad and I used to smoke cats when I was a kid. I will try to round up that recipe.

When in doubt smoke it.