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Started by Harpo, March 13, 2005, 04:00:10 PM

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Hi Smokers
 amazing all the material on this forum, I have read so many ideas, but have not seen this one yet, probably have not looked in the right forum, any how I want to make some jerky with ground meat, I already have several types of cures and a jerky shooter, I have used my dehydrater before to do this but would like to use my BS any ideas on how long to do this with the ground meat. Temp and smoke?
Anxiously awaiting the response.


Here is a post from just yesterday that you can take a peek at

I have a Dakotah Water Stuffer that has a jerky head and a little stand that as the meat exits the device, it runs a ribbon strip on a piece of paper.  I have yet to use it, matter of fact since I bought it haven't even opened the box yet.  I got the clear "cannon" so I can see how much meat is left in it.  They offer two, one with clear plastic and one white.

Just not ready to do sausage yet.  But ready when I want to venture out.  Probably do some this summer while I am on extended leave recovering from a surgery that is pending in late May or early June.  I picked up a number of the Hi-Mountain kits for jerky and sausage in anticipation of the maiden voyage.


<i>There is room on earth for all God's creatures....on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.</i>
There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


nsxbill thanks for the reply, I did check the sight but it did not mention how long and what the ultimate temp should be.Also I tried to send a picture of my smoker stands as you requested but can't figure how to send it?????? When I figure it out or one of you nice people tell me I will send it.

Again thanks so much for the info as I have seen your name all over these sites. glad you are so knowledgable.


Welcome to the site, Harpo. Good folks here, they won't make you Groucho.[:)] Do a search on Jaeger's name, he is our resident sausage/jerky maker. I know he does ground meat jerky. I think he does it at 200 F --anyway do a check.


You are going to love the jerky with your Bradley. I made some on Saturday.
I preheated the BS while filling the racks. I used 5 pounds of seasoned meat to fill 3 3/4 racks. I start out with the temp at 180 - 200 degrees. I dried for about 1/2 hour with damper open. I started the smoke at this point.
 45 minutes into the smoke, I rotated the racks. Front to back, top to bottom. During the rotation, I actually flip each piece over as needed. I turn temp to high until I regain the box temp target of 200 degees.
 45 minutes later I check everything out, rotate as needed and at this point If everything is looking good, I find the thickest piece on the top rack and put in the themometer. I usually try to reach 155 degrees on beef, maybe higher on venison. If most of the pieces have the right color and look about done, I will close the damper to quickly finish the meat. Once you have reached the target internal temperature, you can remove whatever pieces you like, and sometimes I leave a few in that look like they could use a little more heat/drying.

 One problem that I have had is the ends getting to dry, that is why I watch and rotate so often. Also, by closing the damper as soon as everything looks good, the internal temp is reached QUICKLY so you don't have to worry about that anymore. The picture below is what the sticks looked like right after I closed the damper and hit the internal temp of 155. Like I said, I kept some of the pieces in to dry a little more.

Good luck and have fun![:D]

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


Hello Jaegers
Thanks so much for the recipe,will try very soon, I heard from others here that you are the jerky and sausage guru, Look forward to seeing your recipes and opinions.


Jaeger what kind of smoke are you using for the jerky getting ready to fire it up will send pics layer.


Sorry, I missed your post. I usually use hickory for any sausage or jerky.

Still waiting on the pictures. They didn't show up on your recent posts.  [:)]

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


Jaeger go under curing and look at smoked jerky pics. Thanks will do a better job next time.[:D]