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silicone hot mitts/gloves

Started by beefmaster, March 22, 2005, 12:47:10 AM

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I have tried many types of gloves ,none of which really worked well for me for all aspects of cooking and preperation. I found and ordered these ,they seem to be just right for all needs of smoking and bbq from getting the smoker or grill ready to handling the hot meat. If you get them dirty you while preparing the grill,smoker or bbq you can just wash then off and handle or slice the food too.
I will post the link for others to look at, if you are looking for some hand protection with hot grills and / or foods.These look good.


Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you have some good experience and enjoy great Q. I think you will enjoy and add to some great ideas and recipes here.
The gloves look pretty nice. I never would have planned on using plastic/rubber around heat, but it looks like they are up to the task.

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


Are these similar to the ones they have at Sam's?

Habanero Smoker

Yes, they are similar to the ones at Sam's. I don't like mitts, so I use welder's gloves. If you can't find welder gloves SmokeHouse Rob posted this link http://www.campfirecafe.com/item.jhtml?UCIDs=1194948%7C1194966&PRID=1280462 These are the same as welder's gloves.



I first tried cotton, and then some welders gloves. I found that getting the grill ,smoker and BBQ ready my gloves were very dirty and black,quickly. I would end up working without any gloves or having to have a 2nd pair ,one for the grill and one for the food.
I found these fingerhut gloves in one of my wifes books. I searched the internet and  most places sell the silicone hot mitt priced as 1, not a pair. After searching many places for this type of hot glove I found that my wifes book had the best price and its for a pair (2)of these gloves. I am hoping to use them to handle the hot grill,racks,charcole,ect... & wash them several times as needed during the preperation,set up and cooking/smoking process with hot water n soap. And still put on and take off the foods as well as slice ,cut up the hot peices. Using only one pair of glove's during the whole process. Ill post back when I receive my new mitts this week and have time to give em a test drive this weekend!

Habanero Smoker

You have a point. I just couldn't get use to the silicone mittens. I ended up giving them to my sister-in-law.


St. Helens Smoker

I've been using a set of the silicone mitts for the last few months and have found them to be quite handy easy to clean.  Was very tenative about them at first, there's just something not right about grabbing a 500* pizza stone while wearing a chunk of rubber on you hands.  So far though, they have been a great addition to my kitchen tools.  Hope have a good of experiance with yours as I have.[:D]


I went and bought a pair at Sam's club last night for $13. They seem pretty nice. The main reason I wanted silicone was for the ease of cleaning them. These are dishwasher safe so just throw them on the top rack.


I've used the silicon gloves for a few months.  They are a little clumsey but are so simple to clean. You can also fill them with jello and make a cool fish looking mold.[;)][^][^][^][;)]

