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Hab system problems

Started by Oldman, January 09, 2010, 06:35:39 AM

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My system is acting up. I want you to moderate the new members who apply to join. To  accept them when you log on to the Admin you will see "Users to Moderate." Click on that and accept the person unless you feel the E-mail addy is funky.

I should have a new system load and back up running by Monday night.


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Habanero Smoker

Sure, no problem.

I know you are currently not accepting email addresses form hotmail, and yahoo. Are there any more?

Also do you have a list of suspicious email addresses, or is there a site that you can point me to that list such servers that spammers use?


Habanero Smoker


I'm getting a message that I don't have permission to access that area. Viewing my permissions, it appears I have permission to do so. Unless I am in the wrong area. I'm in the "Admin. Control Panel", and clicking on "Moderate Users" in the "Moderation" drop down menu.




I just got a new system up. What a pain it was for the E-mail. Good thing I still had Office Suit 2003. It will be a day do so before I can take the time to look into you cannot access that area.


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Habanero Smoker

I'm glad your system is up an running. I'll keep my eye on this thread, in the mean time I'll periodically check to see if I'm making any errors on my end.



I'm still loading programs... what a pain. I upgraded for the first time in years my WordPerfect..I was using WordPerfect 8 (1998-1999) ...(I hate Word--to limited or lack of ease of use--I'm been using WordPerfect since the DOS days 4.1 1983.)  I also upgraded my Paint Shop Pro...what an improvement...then again PSP 5 I have is 10 years old.  I'm a person who believes if it is not broken then I don't need to upgrade. Now PSP is a great program but it is does not do what my Vector Program will (Xara X)  ;D Now what is funny is the new programs I purchased are all still 32 bit... they load in X86-- to funny uh? I've got 64 bit system, a 64 bit operating systen and the latest programs are still 32 bit.

BTW I'm locked out of Admin... got to get with Trey about this.

Thanks for your efforts.

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Habanero Smoker

I use to upgrade everything every few years, but I still have my Dell system that is about seven years old. But I'm hearing all sorts of good thing about Windows 7, I may purchase or build a new system. I haven't built a system in a while and with all the new technology, I'm kinda of gun shy. I'm still running MS Office 2003, the later upgrades where not worth the extra bells and whistles.

PaintShop Pro is now owned by the same company as Corel, which also owns WordPerfect, so you may be able to get the upgrade price for CorelDraw X4, with is a vector graphic program. Lately they have been giving generous discounts, and that usually means a new version will be coming out within 6 months.



QuoteBut I'm hearing all sorts of good thing about Windows 7
I hear form my gaming community that this is a great operating system. So far it works for me.  Of course it took some time to up grade drivers but it seems to be sweet.

I too have Windows Suit 03... I'm think I will upgrade.

I have not gotten with Trey yet.. I was going to last night but I fell asleap.... damn this old age.

Talk with ya soon.

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Habanero Smoker

I know about that age stuff, I think I have a couple on you. :)

I'm definitely will upgrade my system, and with Window's 7 it makes sense to start upgrading the software.



Well I got in Admin... but I have not seen why you are restricted yet... Trey is going to call me in a hour or so. I will ask him to look into it. My current problem is my E-mail client does not see Office 2003. Currently I can only access my client via IE 8.

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Habanero Smoker

Olds I just checked, I do have access, I was trying to access the wrong way. Instead of going to the control panel I have to access it by clicking on the "Mod" link at the bottom of the page.

I hope you get your email client fixed.



Well it turns out to be a fired mother board & processor. That is strange as I have used MSI mother boards over the years without any problelms. Not the fastest "gaming" board, but a lot of gamers use it as it has always been rock solid.

Oh Well...chit happens.

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Habanero Smoker

Was the fried board the problem with your old system or the new one? Both suck, but if it is the new one, that's a pain. Especially after the time it took to load and update your programs.



No the fired is my 2 to 2 1/2 year old system.  I will have it back sometime next week.

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Habanero Smoker

I'm glad to hear if one fried, it was the old system.
