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Smoke generator not feeding pucks consistently

Started by HCAO, January 25, 2010, 11:23:04 PM

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I'm starting to have some issues with my smoke generator.  It's not feeding consistently.  It'll do it maybe 1 out of 2 or 3 tries.  I've taken it apart to clean it and it worked better right after, but now it's doing it again.  Is there something I should lube in there?


There are the surfaces that the slide move back and forth on, but you need to be careful as adding lubricant to those can actually cause more build up of wood particles.  Not sure if graphite would be appropriate or not.  I will occasionally get a misfeed but if it happens is usually only 1 cycle.  There is a possibility of an intermittet component like the micro switch that is missing a beat once in a while.  Some of the other folks that have had this issue and worked to getting it fixed should be along to give you more advice.
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Just make sure your tube is down all the way. I always squeeze mine a little when putting it in, that way I know it is going down all the way.
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it's not an electronic issue.  it's mechanical.  i see it trying to drop the puck, but it just doesn't go.  i'll check on the tube.  i'm pretty sure it's down all the way though.

Habanero Smoker

Have you watched the drive guide (the part that pushes the bisquette) to see if it is moving completely back before it move forward?

Does it properly work when you push the advance button?

Does it work properly every 20 minute cycle? When testing the 20 minute cycle what I do is I set a kitchen timer for about 18 minutes and carry it around. With the timer I don't have to stand around the smoker waiting for it to cycle.

For a lubricant I use powdered graphite from a tube, and you only need a minute amount. Just use it carefully, to prevent air borne dust, because it should not be inhaled, and don't use it around a open flame. One member posted there is a white graphite which looks better when applied.

Also check the inside of the tube. Over time debris can build up inside the tube and may hinder the bisquettes from dropping smoothly into place.

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My OBS doesn't work very well either.    I've taken it apart and cleaned the daylights out of it but still doesn't work consistently.    Sometime it does, sometimes it doesn't.   When is doesn't the pusher only comes back part way, so the next puck can't fall or it gets jammed.   I took it apart and compared it to the 6 rack DBS generator.    What I found was both have a small piece of flat metal.   As the motor turns it moves this piece and that moves the mechanism that pushes the puck.   Sorry for the poor discription by I'm sure you get the idea.    The one in the OBS is very sloppy and loose.   Maybe it's warn out.

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: RAF128 on January 26, 2010, 11:12:08 AM
My OBS doesn't work very well either.    I've taken it apart and cleaned the daylights out of it but still doesn't work consistently.    Sometime it does, sometimes it doesn't.   When is doesn't the pusher only comes back part way, so the next puck can't fall or it gets jammed.   I took it apart and compared it to the 6 rack DBS generator.    What I found was both have a small piece of flat metal.   As the motor turns it moves this piece and that moves the mechanism that pushes the puck.   Sorry for the poor discription by I'm sure you get the idea.    The one in the OBS is very sloppy and loose.   Maybe it's warn out.

I understand what parts you are speaking of. I believe it is called the drive arm(s). If it is loose check the fasteners to see if they have loosen. They may need to be tighten. I believe they are the push on lock washers.

I find it the motor reverses half way through the cycle it is either out of sync; there is something blocking the drive, or in your case maybe the loose arm is binding causing the motor to reverse half way through the cycle.



Thanks.   I'll take another look at it.    Seems to me from memory that thinks are pretty tight in there and hard to get at.    Likely have to take it apart.   


Another thing to ask is. How do you store your pucks? if they are exposed to a lot of humidity they will swell and not want to feed correctly.
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I don't think it is puck or tube related but could be.

I think he is having an issue others and myself are having, and that is the pusher isn't going all the way back to allow the next puck to drop.
The last time I had that issue I just put a long screwdriver down in the tube area and helped push the pusher back all the way. Once it did that a couple times it worked good the rest of the night. I'm not recommending that is a way to fix it, I am only saying what I did so I could finish the smoke that night. I have still yet to take it apart to clean it out.


JT-MO said it best.  That is the problem I was having.  I've taken it apart to clean, but have not done as thorough a job as I'd like. 

I did notice though, that it happens more often when I have my 3 solid aluminum bubba pucks on top.  if I take them off, it feeds more consistently.  I've only noticed this on one smoke so far.  Maybe my pucks are too heavy?  They worked fine for at least 10 smokes though.   If they are indeed too heavy, I might mill out the centers.

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: HCAO on February 09, 2010, 11:56:38 PM
JT-MO said it best.  That is the problem I was having.  I've taken it apart to clean, but have not done as thorough a job as I'd like. 

I did notice though, that it happens more often when I have my 3 solid aluminum bubba pucks on top.  if I take them off, it feeds more consistently.  I've only noticed this on one smoke so far.  Maybe my pucks are too heavy?  They worked fine for at least 10 smokes though.   If they are indeed too heavy, I might mill out the centers.

The reason it is not traveling all the way back is because the motor reverses itself half way through the cycle and then moves the pusher forward. Forcing it back you run the possibility of stripping the gears in the motor or bending the drive arm or one of its components.

Milling out the centers of you Bubba pucks will make them lighter, but I'm not sure that is the problem. If you believe the weight of the Bubba pucks are the cause, you can further reduce the weight (even after milling) by using 2 Bubba pucks and place a bisquette on top on the Bubba pucks. That is what I do, and use either a mesquite or hickory bisquettes. They seem to be more dense and can hold up under multiple use.



I took mine apart after my last post.    First I watched it.   THe pusher would go back 3/4 of the way, stop, hesitate and then continue.    It would do the reverse on the way back.   Sometimes it would go back 3/4, stop then try to go ahead jamming a bisquette.    I think the little motor has stripped a few gears.   I've been on the phone to Bradley and a new motor is on the way.   Matter of fact I was out yesterday when I missed a delivery.   Have to pick it up later today.   It's either the new motor or the PID I've ordered.


QuoteThe reason it is not traveling all the way back is because the motor reverses itself half way through the cycle and then moves the pusher forward. Forcing it back you run the possibility of stripping the gears in the motor or bending the drive arm or one of its components.

That is why I don't recommend you do it, I know it reverses and I do it just right so I don't damage anything.
Anyways I did another smoke after that and it didn't stick at all that time. I am using the hollowed out bubba pucks. There is just so much wood chips everywhere off the pucks that is what is causing the issue I am pretty sure. It only did it that one night so it's not a problem, I just hope it doesn't do it while I am asleep, makes me a little nervous.

Habanero Smoker

When I do my overnight smokes, I don't go to bed until the smoke application is finished. Then I empty the bowl and refill it with water. That way I don't have to worry about possible jamming during the night. But I know that has it limitations, because it all depends on your start time and projected finish time.
