Canada fishing trip - advice needed

Started by smokeitall, February 20, 2010, 08:16:25 PM

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My uncle and his son (my cousin) are coming over from Australia in July and my brother, them, and I are going on a fishing trip to Canada.  We are looking for something remote.  Right now I think we are leaning towards Patte Lake area fly in.  If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know.  We are looking for something remote.

Also what are the regulations about bringing a hand gun into Canada for protection while out in the wilderness?



Hey Scott, sounds like a great trip!  I can't help you on fishing options in Canada, but i'm pretty sure you will not be allowed to bring a hand gun into the country.  If you have a very specific purpose for a handgun, such as a sanctioned competition, you might get it in.  Otherwise, Canada will not allow handguns simply for protection.  You can bring long guns in, but have to fill out some forms and pay a $50 (I think) fee per gun.  Again, the stated purpose can't be just for protection - hunting yes, protection, no.

I'm going to do a bit of a search and see if i can find the regs.

You might want to research bear spray - which you can bring i or purchase there.

Good luck with your planning!
US Army, retired, x2
Soldotna Alaska
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Psalm 109:8


Scott, true story.

BIL bought a big a** motor home and took wife and another couple on a extended vacation.

Went to Canada and upon crossing into Canada was ask by Canadian coustoms if he had

anything they needed to know about and he said no.

He forgot about his handgun in the safe and when they found it, they were all arrested and stripped searched.

They let them out of jail two days later, he lost his pistol, and wife is still mad about the cavity search performed

on her. ;D

And of course I like to bring it up every now and then to make sure they remember. ;D


No constitutional amendments up here for guns. Especially hand guns. Rifles and shotguns OK for hunting, target shooting only.
What part of Canada you intend on visiting? I haven't done any fly in fishing but go on canoe trips every summer. Algonquin Park a few hours north of Toronto is where I usually go. Lots of canoeing and portaging but worth the trip. They do not allow any cans or bottles so it fresh and frozen food for the first couple days them into the dehydrated after that. One weekend 8 of us did a 3 day trip in and caught 72 speckled trout (all over 2lbs) in the first two days. We were burning our food we carried in because we had so much fish to eat. The next year, same weekend, same lake. we got skunked. When they are hitting it is a frenzy. Then it is like someone throws a switch.
With my Bradley, no one tells me to quit smoking!



Hi Scott

Looks like you are looking at going to Ontario. If you were coming to
British Columbia I could help but I have not been to Ontario for
more years than I care to remember. Lots of good fishing there though.

Original Bradley Smoker
Cold Smoker Attachment
Teal Termapen


Thanks for all the info so far.  Its not a necessity to bring a hand gun, was just curious.  I camped with the boy scouts in Philmont, New Mexico for 2 weeks in the rockies and didn't have any guns with us, and it was fine.  Not really too worried.  Every bear I have ever saw in the woods was so scared that they would break down small trees to get away.

We are looking at Ontario because we are planning on driving up, probably come through Thunder Bay.

Thanks for the story CRG, you gotta watch out for those Canadian cavity searches!!!



Here is where my buddies and I go and have went for several years.

I am the guy with northern pike on the front page. Got him last year, and he is still swimming around!



Thanks for the link MRH, that place looks great.  I passed the link on to my uncle and brother.

this is my son web page...he is nice guy and good fishing guide ...currently he is offering a good deals on e-bay..


QuoteThanks for the story CRG, you gotta watch out for those Canadian cavity searches!!!
Yeah they use a hockey stick. If you're rude, you get the goalie stick! :D


Where's the sign up sheet for that? Got a couple of "friends" I'd like to send that way.
Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer


Quote from: tsquared on February 23, 2010, 08:51:13 PM
QuoteThanks for the story CRG, you gotta watch out for those Canadian cavity searches!!!
Yeah they use a hockey stick. If you're rude, you get the goalie stick! :D
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"