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Auber Dual Probe Question

Started by Canuck, January 27, 2010, 01:41:10 PM

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I understand, but i rather also monitoring my tower temp with my Maverick (monitoring both food and tower temp) in case i need to auto-tuning. This way I'll know if i have to auto-tune or not. Anyway with an ET-7 i will be good for 2 more pieces of meat.  :D


Quote from: toker on February 19, 2010, 06:40:28 PM
I understand, but i rather also monitoring my tower temp with my Maverick (monitoring both food and tower temp) in case i need to auto-tuning. This way I'll know if i have to auto-tune or not. Anyway with an ET-7 i will be good for 2 more pieces of meat.  :D

That is true! I am also thinking of getting a ET-7.


You should seriously think about it until Auber comes with a remoted pid  ;D I made him this suggestion yesterday.


Quote from: toker on February 19, 2010, 06:48:59 PM
You should seriously think about it until Auber comes with a remoted pid  ;D I made him this suggestion yesterday.

I probably will.

I bought a second smoker, an OBS (came in today).

I think I am going to turn it into a jerky/sausage smoker.

I want to put in 8 more racks, and a fan kit.


If you need more racks and a fan kit (in case you are looking for it) ask smokeitall he is REALLY NICE AND HELPFULL. I just ordered it racks and fan from him. But if you have it already just forget it. I'M planning to buy an DBS 6 rack also myself.


Quote from: toker on February 19, 2010, 07:07:15 PM
If you need more racks and a fan kit (in case you are looking for it) ask smokeitall he is REALLY NICE AND HELPFULL. I just ordered it racks and fan from him. But if you have it already just forget it.

Got enough racks, but I am getting my fan kit from him.


Me I'M waiting it to arrive and i will finally installing my bradley into my kitchen with a pipe through my window. I just got the owner of my block apparte approbation. Can't wait, no more damn winters without my smoker.


Did you see the pics of when I went to Allied Kenco in Houston?

The man that owns the place runs a Bradley in his store right below a hood vent

and you could not smell the smoke in the store.

Pretty kewl.


Hmmm wonder if I could talk my wife into letting me put one of those in the kitchen  ;D  Well she is out of town right now I guess I could surprise her when she gets home and tell her it was a present for her so she can smoke dinner for me  ;D


Been thinking about putting the second smoker in the man cave.


Is it you on the picture CRG? Nice to see your face  :D The only thing i will add as a precaution is an small enclosure to counter the odor if there is some.

Hi Smokeitall its me Frank from Canada 1st time that I'm talking to you on the forum  ;D


I think I need one of them man cave's. 

Hey Toker, nice talking to you.


No toker, that is Cody who owns Allied Kenco one of the forum's approved vendors.


Do you think the problem with the chip/processor mentioned earlier in this thread explains why Auber's web site does not currently display the dual probe PID?
6 Rack Digital
Vermont Castings 4 burner


No problem already fixed already received my repaired pid :D the pid is out of stock until march April i heard that's why it is not on their page anymore.