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12# Prime Rib Too Long For Smoker

Started by oakrdrzfan, March 13, 2010, 08:15:28 AM

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I have a 12# Prime Rib that is too long to fit on the smoker racks.  Would it be ok to cut in two or would there be potential to lose juices out the cut ends.

I have never done a prime rib before and dont want to screw it up.


You should be fine cutting it in half prior to doing any smoking or cooking to the PR. The cut ends will seal themselves just like normal
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When I had my old webber barrel smoker, I used to get the uncut ribeye packages, trim it, then cut off a few 12-16 oz steaks down to a prime rib roast size that'd fit into the smoker.  Never ever had any problems with roast loosing juices.

Ka Honu

Not sure I fully understand but if you want to leave it in one piece why couldn't you stand it on one end somehow?  You could jury-rig a way to prop it up and you might want to flip it halfway through but seems it would work.


Thanks.  I split it into two parts.

Rubbed it up with Pachanga's herb rub and then followed with his salt/pepper/garlic/oregano rub.

5 Pucks of pecan and then into the oven for the finish.

Question:  At what temperature and for how long do people do the blast at the end to get the crust right.  I dont want to burn the herbs on there though!


The last one I did was 500* for 10min.
If your so cool....where's your Tattoo.


Quote from: MPTubbs on March 13, 2010, 11:50:54 AM
The last one I did was 500* for 10min.


I would cut it in half or whatever. That gives you two more ends. We fight over the ends here.
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