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Brisket and Butt, finished pics

Started by smokeNcanuck, March 25, 2010, 05:59:15 PM

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Parents got home from a two month stint in Florida today.  I'v been talking up my
smoking abilities(which is not a lot) all winter to them.  Time to let them taste the proof.
Went to butcher today and picked up this 6Lb brisket.  Had a small 3Lb butt in freezer so took it out too.
Got the butt slathered in CT and some home made rub getting luved up till tomorrow AM.  Brisket got a proper
covering of CYM and another home made rub.  It went in the OBS around 8:00 tonight, getting 4 hrs of Crown Royal
then tucked in for the night in a nice warm 205 bradley bed.  Tomorrow Am the butt joins the luv up and will receive
a three hour assault of CR smoke as well(thats all I have, having hard time getting my hands on bisquettes ).
I am hoping both will be done in time for some FTC before dinner tomorrow , want to eat around 6ish.
What are your thoughts.... have I started to early, late or just in time??  I guess we'll see.
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Might be too short of a time for the butt.

8 to 4 is 8 hrs. Might not be long enough.

I know you got a small butt ;D but it is still gonna take some time.

Now I may be wrong cause I like big BUTTS!


I too enjoy a large butt :D :D
I'm no banker that wee butt will be going in around 6:30AM, so maybe 9.5 hrs.
still not enough???  Wife is leaving at 4:30 should I get her to throw it in??
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


I don't think at 4:30 would be enough.

Didn't you say you come home on lunch hour?


QuoteDidn't you say you come home on lunch hour?
Huh??  4:30AM  Lets not play this game :D
What time do you think I should start it?  It's only 3Lbs
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Quote from: smokeNcanuck on March 25, 2010, 06:24:55 PM
QuoteDidn't you say you come home on lunch hour?
Huh??  4:30AM  Lets not play this game :D
What time do you think I should start it?  It's only 3Lbs

I'm trying to help.

I've seen ppl with 5 lb butts go 16 hrs.


QuoteI'm trying to help.
I know and I want your help! That comment was not me trying to be rude, just more of a smart ass.
Sorry if I offended you. I really trust your judgment as I know you have done LOTS of Butts.
I think I get what you were saying I should maybe put it in tonight, then come home at lunch tomorrow.
If it's done that FTC till supper if not let it ride.
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Quote from: smokeNcanuck on March 25, 2010, 06:33:29 PM
QuoteI'm trying to help.
I know and I want your help! That comment was not me trying to be rude, just more of a smart ass.
Sorry if I offended you. I really trust your judgment as I know you have done LOTS of Butts.
I think I get what you were saying I should maybe put it in tonight, then come home at lunch tomorrow.
If it's done that FTC till supper if not let it ride.

Andy, never thought you were being rude.

Guess I just missed you reply.

If you do come home for lunch, put it on now.

Check you IT in the morn and that will tell you something as to the time.

another thing is you can cut your cook temp back to like 205 to 210 and just let it ride on out.


Ditto.   Let the butt go overnight (check it in the AM!).   If it is done or close to done, you can always dump it in a crock pot on low, then pull it when you get home from work.    It is (almost) always better after it has rested for a while.

Chop the bark and mix it all together..

Let us know how it all turns out!


Looks like were on the same page again ;)
I already have the little guy coming up to room temp.
I only work about 2 min away, so I can always slip home to check in.
I made quite a few trips on Tues. while doing my first sticks. :D :D
Thank You for your help, I'll let ya know how I make out.  Hope yours comes off good!

I was typing, Thankx Squirt thats what I'll do!  Better to be safe than sorry.
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


The thing is you have a lot more stuff to break down in a butt than you do in a brisket.


Well all came out well and everyone was quite impressed!
Thanks CRG you are the MAN.  It was a good thing a followed you advise and
put the butt on thursday night.  It went on at 11pm and at 4:30 pm the next day
the IT was 185 when I pulled it out.  Same as the brisket it went on at 8pm thur. and at 5pm the next day
IT was 190 when I took it out.  Both got about an hour of FTC.  The las time I did a brisket and a butt I did not have my PID
and I am thinking that the temp was hotter than I thought.  Maybe thats why I thought I needed less time than I did.
Here is a few pics.

all sliced up

And my mini butt, I did not get as nice of a bark as I have in the past.  Think I'll trim a little more fat next time.  was still excellent!!

Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


The brisket you can send to me.

Heck just send them both. ;D

Very nice, you are the smokeNcanuck.

Glad you guys had a great day!


They both look great to me, I really like the looks of the bark on the brisket, made my mouth water just lookin at it.

Nice job sNc


Quote from: OU812 on March 29, 2010, 09:39:56 AM
They both look great to me, I really like the looks of the bark on the brisket, made my mouth water just lookin at it.

Nice job sNc

Ditto on the bark!! I would have left it on the brisket myself
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!