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Put a face with the poster

Started by Chez Bubba, May 05, 2005, 02:32:13 PM

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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I know you know what's what for huntin' ducks, but you're out of you're league here.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Kirk, that is a understatment and a half.  I'l stick to my 870.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Chez Bubba</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Sesh</i>
<br />Very nice.  Is that the Ohio Ordnance 1918A3SLR?  Always wanted one of those.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Nope, an Ermco model of the real thing. Semi is only an option if you have a real good trigger finger & it's set on slow.

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Class 3? Even better[:)]

Chez Bubba

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Sesh</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Chez Bubba</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Sesh</i>
<br />Very nice.  Is that the Ohio Ordnance 1918A3SLR?  Always wanted one of those.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Nope, an Ermco model of the real thing. Semi is only an option if you have a real good trigger finger & it's set on slow.

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Class 3? Even better[:)]
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote"> Yep!

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Chez Bubba</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Oldman</i>
<br />BTW Bill if you asked my wife she would say I need another 40 pounds LOL~~!Olds<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Olds, you lose another 40 & you will look like Rick Ocasek![;)][:D][:D][:D]

And BTW, she's only a year and a half younger than me, she just shows better![;)][:D][8D]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Gain 40 and your Roy Orbison [:D][:D]

Mike - Harrison Hot Springs B.C.
"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved" -John Wayne

"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"

Phone Guy

This is not the best but its size allows me to post it. I'm trying to get this picture posting down.


Here is one of me with my parents a few weeks ago. My wife was hiding on the other side of the camera. Dad is also a proud BS owner.

Here is one of the wife and I at the Oshkosh fly-in last year.

When in doubt smoke it.

Cold Smoke

Cool!! Just popped in quickly to see what I've been missing....Faces to a name. Good idea! I'll try to contribute my mug shot in the next little while along with any toys/loves. Not that's worth much. Like the wife says- "He ain't much to look at but he's a hell of a hard worker"...

Good to 'see' you!

Cold Smoke


Trying this out to see if my attempts to make smaller images works.  Electronic size is 40KB . . . it's me on vaca in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in March . . . slightly over-solared and over-refreshed . . .


Newton MA
Newton MA

Chez Bubba

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by owrstrich</i>
<br />here i am at the indiana state fairgrounds for the 1980 ama 1 mile flat track championships...

here i am last week at the sequoia national park...

time has been good to me...

more later...


<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

John, TFF, I'm LMAO!!![:D][:D][:D][:D]

Seriously, post one of you & the Mickster or I'll make it my mission to get one next week![;)][8D]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


me and micki at the anheuser busch hops fields near bonners ferry idaho...

this place is 5mi from canada... in a valley... cascades to the west...  tetons to the east... the huckleberries were ripe... black bear... moose... elk... deer... would come down to the edge of the hops fields and eat the ripe berries... a very cool place...

these vines are perhaps 10 or 12 feet tall... at harvest they chop down the whole vine and remove the hops... the hops are sorted and shipped to the breweries... 90% of all a-b hops come from here... the other 10% come from holland...

at the breweries... once the hops are used... big rigs take them away to dairy farms where they are used as a mix for dairy cow feed...

more later...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...

Chez Bubba

All red xxx's?[B)][:(][:(][:(]

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?

Phone Guy

I was hoping you'd get a picture posted so I'll know who to look for when you're in Redding. I'll be near Contech on the 15th and the 16th so its no problem. I go by there everyday.


Here I am with my 3 year old grandson. I don't race any more because of the cost and it's like an obsession. You always want to go faster which means more money.



Ditto on that.  I raced my Acura NSX twice a year and ouch!  Still have it, but haven't driven for 2 years now.  Friend is coming back from Iraq in November and buying it.  Off for about $27K in motor and suspension work (Ex Navy Seal-Let's say Government contractor in Middle east and coming back with lots of money for his toys), and then he will drive back to NY to race it.  

He has a new one he doesn't want to race, and my 91 Coupe was a real screamer.  Before I dropped gear ratio to 4:55 from 3:07, I took a picture of the speedo buried at 188 MPH out in the Nevada desert one day I just had to test the top end.  It was putting out about 350HP at rear wheels for 3000 lb 3.0 L. Motor.  It was a screamer.  Now has 226K miles on it, and still doesn't leak oil.  After the gear coversion, in it's day would do mid 11 second quarter mile.  Suprised a lot of kids with their Cobra Pony cars and scooped hood Camaros.  I am 60 now and reaction time is just not that good any more.  

I traded my Hummer H2 in for one of the little 390HP SSR Chevy pick-ups, and just enjoy the sound of the motor with the top down. It reminds me a lot of the 32-34 Fords we used to build in the 60s when I was in High School.  Like a hot rod with a warranty![:D]  Kids all grown, of course, so don't have to have a vehicle to transport little ones anymore!


<i>There is room on earth for all God's creatures....on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.</i>
There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Here's me and my daughter with her first lake caught trout.