Conversion Calculators Added To Recipe Site

Started by Oldman, June 05, 2005, 11:56:40 PM

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Now we did not include all of the converstions calculators that are out there. Just the ones we felt were relevant to what we do. If there is a converstion calculator that you want added justlet us know.


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Excellent stuff.

<i><font color="green"><b>Mike </i></font id="green"></b>

<i><font color="black">"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved".</i></font id="black">
 -John Wayne


"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


Excellent idea Olds, especially the temperature conversions!!

When writing the food hygiene articles it was quite a job trying to go through everything to quote both farenheit and centigrade, likewise with the recipes that mostly quote farenheit.

Particularly useful addition for those of us across the pond!![:D]



This site is very well organized and has some great tools for the beginner and more experienced smokers.

Nice addition Olds!!!

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


Newton MA


Thanks guys, but I cannot take credit for doing this one. Trey (My webmaster) did it as it required a hack that I just did not understand. I did not even know where to begin! Oh I could copy the converstion codes and maybe even set them up on a page, but hack out the top of the board? No way!!!


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