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Download The Members Recipes Project Is Finished.

Started by Oldman, June 08, 2005, 05:07:15 AM

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If you would like a complete copy of the recipe site on your computer then it is now in a downloadable program. This will insure that if something happened to me and the site went poof that you would have a copy of everything.

I've laid it all out to look just like the recipes themselves with working links and photos that enlarge etc..

Get it here: <b>The Bradley Members Recipes</b>

As the recipe site grows I will have updates from time to time. But not any time too soon~~ phew!


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Great job ........

<i><font color="green"><b>Mike </i></font id="green"></b>

<i><font color="black">"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved".</i></font id="black">
 -John Wayne


"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"

Bad Flynch



thanks olds!
this is great!

as an aside - I'm a professional webdesigner/graphics artist if anyone needs anything - i'm always happy to help friends out (read that - for free)

My online gambling blog


Well done Raye, what have you got lined up next!!!![:D][:D][:D]

And to BBQutie.... kind offer. welcome to the forum.[:D]



<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"> Well done Raye, what have you got lined up next!!!!<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

First, you all are more than welcome. Next, has anyone had any problem installing it?

As far as what I'm doing now, I'm working on a large pictorial documentation for the Air Force here.  I have over 1 gig's worth of photos to work through and then contrast the before and after stuff.

 *Olds sings*  Fun fun fun till your daddy takes your T-Bird away - a....

What is so funny is I've spent so much time on the recipe site and then that data-base I have not smoked an item in weeks. When I was coding them I would say to myself, I got to make a note of this one... I need to do that.  Well at least mentally I've been smokin' a lot~~! Too funny uh?

In all honesty I'm glad I spent the time doing it. I know everyone of those recipes now. I can say without a doubt that they are the best of the best. Several of them you can see where they went through years of tweating. The *cough* worst one there is better than anything I've seen in a cook book!


BTW For you new folks, the recipe site is a collection by The Bradley Member's Team.  These are folks who spent hours creating or gleaning items.  I just did the coding.

There is one person I would like to bring to everyone's attention. Not that he is more important; however, he had the crap job... editing the stuff.

His name is nsxbill.

There is an old saying in the Bible about giving someone a small item to do. When he does it well you can then trust him to take on great things.... well soon nsxbill will be moved from moderator to a full blown Adminstrator. I mean complete access. He has been going through a couple of lessons and soon he will be ready. He's got one more lesson before he learns about the back end and  I turn over the keys. Then I'm going fishin'.

Thanks Bill!

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Olds - I gotta tell you too - the format you have this in is SO easy to use - my husband who is not computer savvy at all - can use these recipes!!

I hope to make a fantastic smoke so that I can add one of my recipes to the database one of these days :)


Yikes Olds - 7megs!  I'll have to run this puppy at midnight on my dialup...in the interim, I'll keep checking the forum - hey, I know...can you burn it to a disc and mail it to me?  My best connection speed is 26.4kps[xx(]

By the way, how's old Skyway doing with his new gitaround toy?


"A mans got to know his limitations"
Chattaroy, WA - USA!


Send to me your addy. I will mail out a CD.

 <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">By the way, how's old Skyway doing with his new gitaround toy?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">Almost lost him. Big bucks spent but he is my boy as you know. We had to adjust things. He is on meds at the moment. Fuzzy, sometimes I just Yucking wonder... today is good but tomarrow is always a surprise...

Damn Me I love him so... I will spend whatever I have to. He is my boy...... He looks at me with such trusting eyes and it cuts so deep. We (Susan and myself) will always be there for him.

Wish us well... it is still a problem...now with some strange infection.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Alrighty...check your email...I do wish you well with Skyway...poor guy.  I know what you mean by "cuts so deep" - Stella just had 4 molars yanked (infected) - I don't know what keeps her going except life and waking up to us in the morning!  We have now started rubbing/massaging her bad leg every few days - seems to lose all function after she's been sleeping on it...she still gets around ok though!  Dogs iz tuff!


"A mans got to know his limitations"
Chattaroy, WA - USA!


I will check!

Something we got for me (Susan uses it to put my back into place) that I use on Skyway spine is a viberating car buffer. Don't laugh--it works! When my lower back goes out she takes the side of the wheel and from the center of my spine works it down my sides  both ways. I hurt so bad the other day when I got it I could feel it from the top of my hip down and into my knee.  10 minutes with that wheel on me and the pain as gone~~!

Maybe you can try one in your rubbing/massaging effort. At first it kind of scared Skyway. Now he loves it! Plus they are cheap...about 40 bucks in a auto parts store. [^]


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Olds, when Bradley starts giving out the Nobel Smoke Prize, you & nxsBill are gonna be right up there with Chez! GREAT work and THANX for the many hours! You deserve to go fishing....the Bible also says, "One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor and striving after the wind"!! Wish I'd have learned THAT at an earlier age[;)][:)] I've said it before....each day of fishing adds another day of life!

As I type this, a cow moose (moosette?) just went through the yard with two new calves...gotta love it here[8D]

35 years of extinguishing smoking stuff and now I'm wondering WHY!
Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Buff the dog???  (remember, the little tyke is only 12 pounds Olds!)

Almost nailed a moose last week on my drive back from Sandpoint, Idaho...

My regular day is dodging quail/robins/the occassional loose horse/deer and turkey...scared off a pheasant yesterday walking around the property.  Moose hang around the pond way out yonder and I'm told they walked thru my place but I've not seen them yet.  

I was given some Sturgeon today by my neighbor (Columbia river where it meets the ocean is where it was caught earlier this week) and he suggested I smoke it - so I shall do that on Sunday - Saturday, I gotta do two yardbirds and well, chicken and fish going on at the same time just doesn't sound appealing to me!  Anyway, I'm going to try my simple brown sugar and salt brine on it.

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Chattaroy, WA - USA!


Kudos on top of kudos to Olds and nsxbill!

Olds, you know I don't have dogs, but we have several cats and know how you and Fuzzybear feel about your dogs.  They're like your kids and you do whatever it takes to keep them healthy and happy . . . we have an old arthritic cat that has been with us for 18 years now and is in steadily declining health.  He doesn't appear to be in pain and as long as he enjoys basking in the sun a bit and purrs when we brush him we'll put up with the messes he makes when he can't get to the litter box on time.  We've lost more than one rug or piece of furniture to old cats we've had, but it's a small price to pay . . .

Newton MA
Newton MA


Hi Folks[:)],

I have downloaded to my computer, the only problem I have is that the "click to enlarge" photo's bit doesn't work for me. Has anyone else encountered this problem or is it just me[:I][:I]??

Otherwise the download and installation was very easy, thanks once again to Olds and nsxbill.[:D][:D]
