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Breaking in the Bradley

Started by Oldman, March 16, 2004, 01:50:45 PM

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It has not rained here in weeks. As the UPS driver was delievering the Bradley the skys opened up. That was yesterday...well it is still raining so what is a body to do? See pics below!

In the first 10 minutes it was at 110 F at twenty minutes it was 225 F! *Olds slides temp back.* In the first 10 minutes I had a smoking fool in my garage!

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Chez Bubba

OK, I read the problem post first, then read this, so here's a couple additional thoughts.

If this is your smoking setup, my sunshine theory probably goes out the window.

I'm not an engineer or physicist, I don't even know if I spelled physicist right. Could that long vent hose with the right-angle turns and gravity feed be causing excessive heat buildup and trapping the moisture? I did a similar thing but used an electric stove hood to suck the smoke, heat & moisture out.

I'm not sure, but the second picture sure looks like a Red Green Special![:D][8D]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Olds,  was the smoker empty when you had trouble with the higher temps.  I generally only use mine with 1 or 2 racks of food, and can easily stay below 150F.  In fact, I usually have the heat source set to over 3/4 to keep at 200-225F for pork butt.  I have also noticed how much effect the venting has on temp.  If I am having trouble reaching higher temps in cold weather, I just close the vent down more and the temp will climb.

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.



Im not one of that them eng-ine-ears or any thing but, I would reconsider the tube thing with that dryer flex tubing.  That flex tubing can burn, I no its made out of foil but if you are going to use flex, get the solid aluminum flex dryer duct.  You can get it in larger diamaters at your favorute Home Depot.Plus the question about the heat leaving the smoker.  This set up might have something to do with it.  Bubba could be right on this one.  The extension of the smoke stack creates something called atmospheres, the tube is a at different one than the smoker is, you have no draft, thus the heat can travel real well.  I know I may be wrong with this or I have expained it with my full force of ignorance here but I tried and I bow to anyone who might have a better explaination or tell me my pork butt is up mine.  Hay I'm here to learn and life is too short.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


See how a fire place works on the draft of a chimmey. The amount of smoke coming out is more than enough. I did have the vent slightly open per the instruction on how to break it in.  I understand about the moisture.

As we speak I've just put in my test meats. 1.) small (room temp) ham. 2.) 5 store bought sauages in natural casing. 10 am here. Will update at the finish!

EDIT Holding 170F YaHOO! Heating element in box is on what I would call a very low heat. Smoke is coming out as a good rate.

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Well for store bought sauage that was ground to small the smoker did a good job. It was fully cooked and yet there were still the fat pieces in it. This was a smaller size and was done in 3 hours give or take a little.

Next the ham was in 9 hours. Looks good. Fat on it is still there. I think I will have to adjust my thinking some to get the max. out of this unit. At this point temp is not a problem; the volume of smoke is somewhat heavy. I had the draft nearly closed off. Seeing how I cannot control the burn, and the amount of smoke is a constant, I'm thinking I might have to open up the draft (so there is less smoke in the chamber) and adjusting for heat loss via the heating element.

Now Chez, if you can please advise as to what type of Oak these pucks made from it would help. Almost not sweet is how I would discribe the finished product. Then again this could be just too much smoke contact.

There is no doubt in my mind that this generator could in fact be used in a box much larger than the current box. I can see great promise for it in a 22-26 cubic foot box.


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Chez Bubba

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DoW-Oldman</i>
<br />Now Chez, if you can please advise as to what type of Oak these pucks made from it would help. Almost not sweet is how I would discribe the finished product. Then again this could be just too much smoke contact.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Olds, I'll have to do a little detective work & get back to you. My gut says if there's a variety of oak that lives in Canada, that's what it is. If not, who knows?

I was under the impression that all of the bisquettes were 40% alder & 60% said wood. This is something I will also have to confirm.

I'll let you know what I find out, but my guy at Bradley is out for a week or so.


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?

Cold Smoke

Olds, are you out there? The skies have opened up and the rain is falling hard and the wind's supposed to kick into high gear. This is very detrimental to my turkey smoking plans tonite. I was looking at your Red Green Flex Tube Special and was wondering if you had run into any problems with that set-up? I might have to resort to doing that same thing. I hope there's no copyright infringement issues?[:)] I acknowledge MW issues with the set up but my bird's not getting any younger and this will be my only kick at the can.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Cold Smoke


OK, Don't get me started on cats.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


Sorry Cold somehow I missed your posting... I found that by turning the end downward that the moisture would drip out. If left upwards the moisture ran back into the smoker.

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