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Selectable temperature (Testing complete)/Plans

Started by msiler, March 18, 2004, 07:38:57 AM

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I am in the process of building a 'brainbox' that will allow me to select a specific temperature. I have in the past built one that would allow one specifice temp. I intend this one to be adjustable for a variety of temps.

First question is has anyone done this already? if so I would be interested in information on how you did it (no sense duplicating efforts) or even purchase of one.

Next question is do any others have interest in this item, if so when finished I will make this available to others.

When in doubt smoke it.


Although, I do not have a full Bradley unit, I purchased a smoke generator and am converting an old fridge, I have figured out a temp control device. I purchased a temp controler from ebay for $20. It is digital, shows the actual temp, has an alarm and allows you to set the temp. In line with this I will install a J coupler (temp probe) to sit inside the fridge. $12.00. ALthough not really required I will use a relay box $5.00 to protect my temp controller. The whole thing is then wired to my hot plate( which is only used to produce heat, the same way your bulb does)The temp controler came of off a piece of industrial machinery. I am presently putting the pieces together and will attempt to send pictures when complete. I am not sure if you can do the same in line with your bulb. Isnt the bulb wired directly to your smoke generator.



A hot plate is a very durable heat source.  I wonder what the effect would be on the heat bulb if it were switched on and off all day.  Would it shorten the life of it?  I would assume you would have to switch it at max voltage to allow you to maintain the whole range of temps up to 250f or so.  I'm not a heat bulb guru, but just something I wonder about.  Maybe these bulbs are cheap and its not an issue.  Has anyone had to replace their heat bulb yet.[?]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.


I have not replaced my heat bulb, but Chez has them listed on his web site for $15.00.

<i><font color="blue"><b>Jack</i></font id="blue"></b>


I am actually trying to figure a "Smart" circuit that would adjust the resistance much the way I do the rheostat... only with an electronic brain instead of my human one that has to sleep... which sometimes allows my overnight cooks to get a bit out of control....

When in doubt smoke it.


I have dealt quite a bit with plc's at work.  They would work well for something like this.  The only problem is that the temp change is not instant.  You would have to program it to monitor temp, adjust an increment, run a timer for 5minutes, adjust again if necessary and so on.  I my self have a 1yr old baby [8)]to keep an eye on all day on some of my days off.  So I welcome the need to have a smoker to keep an eye on during the day.[:)]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.

Chez Bubba


I too would be interested in the unit you're suggesting. Just like Kummok's Advancing Pucks, we would also be interested in offering them for sale if that interests you.

Regarding the bulb life, we have never sold one to anyone who has burned one out. I'm sure they have some sort of lifetime, but I don't know what it is. In our experience it's always been human error.[;)]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


I am testing what will hopefully be my last prototype. it is holding temperature within 2-3 degrees empty. Tomorrow comes the first operational test with food and pictures will follow. For those who are interested total cost was about $75 in parts. And thus far no actual mods to the smoker. Just plugs in between the smoke unit and the box and for now the temp sensor is fed in through the vent like the meat thermometer.

When in doubt smoke it.


I'm liking it! [8D] And it's black too!  That will match mine fine!

You'll have to post a close up and then with the cover off so we can all peek at the inards.....

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


found this on the web..http://shop.homebbq.com/prod_images_large/guru_package.jpg

This is $185 but I don't know how it would work with the Bradley...visit homebbq.com...

Anyone would agree that a hot pit cooks quicker than a cold pit. The problem is that when the internal meat temperature over-shoots or goes
too high, the meat becomes dry, tough or both. The BBQ GURU uses a microprocessor chip to calculate and control your pit temperature via the Turbo Power Draft Fan , so that the selected meat temperature is NEVER exceeded. Anyone would agree that a hot pit cooks quicker than a cold pit. The problem is that when the internal meat temperature over-shoots or goes
too high, the meat becomes dry, tough or both. The BBQ GURU uses a microprocessor chip to calculate and control your pit temperature via the Turbo Power Draft Fan , so that the selected meat temperature is NEVER exceeded.

How does The BBQ GURU do this?

Simply put, as the meat temperature increases or "ramps up" The BBQ GURU decreases or "ramps down" the pit temperature at a proportional rate using controlled power draft. Once the intitial ramping is complete, the Guru maintains the pit temperature throughout the cook to ensure a consistent and effective cook.

Once you use The BBQ Guru, You simply will NOT want to cook without it!

• Electronic Control with Sensor Probes
• Custom adaptor door for YOUR grill/smoker
• Turbo Power Draft Blower
• Household Power Cord
• The BBQ Guru Presentation Disk
• Curl-eez all purpose wire wraps
• The BBQ Guru Brochure
• Getting Started: A Condensed Guide. Your First Cook With The BBQ Guru

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Chez Bubba

I've looked at that before & although very intriguing, can't imagine they'd have an application with the Bradley. They limit the combustion of fuel by restricting the airflow, which wouldn't affect the electric bulb.

I doubt the unit has enough power to effectively horse through enough air to actually cool the inside of the smoker. Even if it did, say goodbye to all that lovely smoke.

JMHO, if somebody can show me differently, I'd be in line to buy one.


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


I am happy with the results so far. but I am going to do further testing this weekend with brisket to ensure that my long cook time last weekend was solely due to chicken size. 2 chickens took about 10 hours at 200 degrees. "Book time" should have been about 5 they were my first yardbirds in the bradley and most recipes I found call for much smaller chicken than I have found. So after I do up some brisket this weekend I should have a better comparison.

When in doubt smoke it.


ALL I to am experimenting with my second attempt at temp control. This time I went to an appliance parts store and bought an oven temp replacement control that comes complete with the jcoupler(temp probe) wire, light to say when it is on etc. The whole thing cost about $40 USD. I will use it just like you do an oven. Set the temp and the thermostat will turn the unit on and off to keep the temp constant. (Just gotta figure out how to wire it with out blowing all the fuses in the house)

I'd walk a thousand miles to smoke a "Camel"


This is one very interesting thread....I will be following you Gurus closely! I really like msiler's idea as the box does not need changing.

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Soooooo msiler.....I'm ready to buy!! Do you take Visa or PayPal?!?!? [:p][:D][:p][:D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA