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Need help biscuts not feeding!

Started by Superman in Training, June 28, 2005, 05:27:15 AM

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Superman in Training

Hello everyone this is my first time posting.

I just bought myself the Original Bradley Smoker and when I tried to season it for the first time the bisquettes wouldn't feed at all..

I followed all the instructions..
Both power lights are on, but when I hit the bisquette advance button nothing happens.. it doesn't even make a noise..[:(][:(]

Can anyone help?? I am going crazy right now! I want to get started right away. Once I get this working I am going to smoke everything I every buy!!


They back their product really very good. Normally it is air ship to ya. Call them in the AM.


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Superman in Training

Thanks for the quick response!!

I actually fixed it myself.. I took the Smoke Generator apart and noticed that there was a loose wire. Connected it put it back together and I am in business!!!!1   [:D][:D][:D]

OOOOH Yeah !!! time to smoke some meat!!!!!