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Pork and Garlic sausage

Started by cathouse willy, November 30, 2010, 02:19:10 PM

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cathouse willy

My first try at sausage making yielded some good results. But.....The GARLIC is too strong for me. Is there any way to ease the GARLIC flavor? I'd post some pics if I knew how???

Garlic and pork sausage and pork belly from the smoker. It was a good weekend


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"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


About the only way I can think of easing the Garlic Flavor is box them up and send them my way. Never to much Garlic in my sausages. Just remember to cut back on the garlic some in the next batch. Grill them up and take them to work and feed the boys they will eat anything.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


What recipe did you use?  Maybe it can be tweaked..

Smokin Soon

I probably will be of no help. In 2 years of sausage experiments, I have increased the amount of heat and garlic in every one of them. Let's have a peek at your mix.

cathouse willy

Since this was my first attempt I followed a recipe from the book Charcuterie
5lbs pork butt
3 tbsp salt
1 tbsp pepper
3 tbsps minced garlic
1 cup red wine.
I do really enjoy garlic but these have a strong flavor. It's not a lot of sausages so they'll get eaten. Next time perhaps a new recipe and a smaller batch.


Here is the recipe I use for mine. If you are not a big fan of Garlic knock it down to 1Tbs of Garlic

Fresh Garlic Sausage

5 lb      Pork
1 Cup   Wine, White, Dry
5 tsp    Salt
2 Tbs    Garlic, Fresh minced (Increase or Decrease as desired!)
2 tsp    Sugar
2 tsp    Onion Powder
1 ½ tsp  Pepper, Black
¾ tsp     Coriander, ground
¾ tsp     Nutmeg, ground
32mm   Hog casings

1.   Cut the meat into 2 inch pieces and partially freeze.
2.   Grind pork with 3/8" (10mm) holes.
3.   Combine the meat with the salt, and the remaining ingredients.
4.   Stuff the casing loosely; DO NOT overfill the casings.
5.   Twist the sausage casing into 5-6" long sausages.
6.   Puncture any visible air bubbles with a sharp needle.
7.   Allow to air dry at room temperature for several hours.
8.   Refrigerate for up to 4 days or vacuum pack and freeze.

Len Poli Sausage Recipe
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Well, once it's in there it's pretty much in there and not much you can do 'cept use it up (consider using as an additive in soup/stew/beans, etc.), share it, etc.  Next time cut the garlic in half and see what you think.

One additional thought - fresh garlic can be extremely variable in it's potency, and once you cut it it gets more "garlicky" with exposure to air.  After about 30 min's it can start getting really pungent.  Dried granulated garlic ain't fresh, but it's pretty decent and does give good consistency.
I like animals, they taste good!

Visit the Recipe site here


Here is one i use. For 10 pounds. Cut it in half for 5 lbs.

7 lbs 90/10 GB
3 lb pork butt
4 T salt
3 T granulated garlic
2 T paprika
2 T black pepper
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp ground glove
1 t cinnamon
1 cup cold distilled water
1 cup powder non fat dry milk (does not have to be fine or pulverized)
32-36mm hog casing

Smokin Soon

If you have a garlic threshold, just use the minced garlic in a jar from the market. It is much more subtle than fresh.


A sausage maker in a buthcher shop told me to always fry up/ micro a sample before stuffing..It is hard to go back once too much garlic is added, but I am from the camp...NEVER too much Garlic...
well only for your friends that have not eaten any.. :P


Quote from: islandgirl on November 30, 2010, 06:34:29 PM
A sausage maker in a buthcher shop told me to always fry up/ micro a sample before stuffing..It is hard to go back once too much garlic is added, but I am from the camp...NEVER too much Garlic...
well only for your friends that have not eaten any.. :P

Better to taste test it raw, cooking depletes the taste unlike smoking.

Its not going to kill ya


soo.. looking to learn here.....

you taste all your sausage raw?
i would think the flavours would meld with the heat??



I taste about a quarter size and then adjust if needed. I do this for fresh and smoked sausages.


NepaSmoker, I am going to try your recipe for garlic sausage..since I love the spices you have in it! :)

Is there anything extra I should do with the powdered milk, and does the grocery store brand work Ok?