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First whole chicken

Started by banff_springs, May 08, 2011, 06:10:53 AM

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Wanted to show pic's of my first smoked whole chicken.  Did lots of research as I've never done this before.  Still consider myself a newbie when it comes to smoking.  Am slowing improving and don't have a hard time getting guinnea pigs to my place to sample the end-product.  Thanks to you guys and the forum's as a whole, I am getting better.

I brined the chicken for 16 hours and then cooked it @ 240*F for 4 hours.  ITT reached 170*F.  Used apple chips and smoked the entire cooking time.  Friends all raving about the flavour...mind you, when it was all said and done, I am wishing I had room to do two (2) chickens.  Oh well, next time.

PS..on another note, how does one go about embedding pic's so they show up as a thumbnail?  Which is the best service to use to provide me with a link/embed code?


banff... your bird looks great I use photobucket works for me


Quote from: seemore on May 08, 2011, 08:03:30 AM
banff... your bird looks great I use photobucket works for me
1 Smoke Daddy
1 Brinkman smoker grill
1 Green Mountain Grill


Your chicken looks really great and agree with that photobucket.com is the place to host your pictures and it's free...I'll have a leg please... :D
Digital Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
The Big Easy with Srg grill
MAK 2 Star General
Char Broil gas grill


Thanks everyone for the comments.  More to follow (of other finished products)...and thanks seemore, took your advice and signed up to photobucket (obvious by the "new and improved" post.

Cheers all.  Happy Smoking...

(oh..and to all the Mother's out there,..Happy Mother's Day.)


The chicken looks really good!

I was reading your post and the wife cane home and saw the picture and said "WTF you lookin at, smoker porn?"

ahhhh I love her humor ;)