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Benefits of the digital smokers

Started by MrRaven, April 18, 2011, 03:10:30 PM

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I love my pid. Took one smoke to get used to it. It would be nice to see bradley make another smoker (of course it would be more money) with the option of an Auber built right in and a larger element for those who want to spend the extra money and have the the best money can buy. Don't get me wrong I think the bradley is a great little smoker for the money but maybe an option list to add to its greatness  ;)


I wish they would add a 6 rack without digital just like original. Also give a chance for options would be nice. but I like working on my stuff so if I could get the 6 with out digital it would be nice and wouldn't be wasting the digital setup.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Is there a way to add a second probe to the DIY version? Thats a pretty simple diagram and would be easy to make. I see two alarm spots but no second probe. Is there another type PID module maybe? Does this turn smoke on and off or just controlls cabinet temps? From what I under stand the regular PID turns smoke on and off,shuts off and checks it temp. and watchs cabinet temp. This seems only to control cabinet temp. If I'm wrong please explain where or why. Trying to figure it out.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.

Habanero Smoker

The plans you are looking at were made sometime prior to Auber introducing their plug n' play line of PIDs.

You may want to send an email to Auber to see if they will sell you a dual probe controller that is not already setup for plug n' play. The following link will take you to the page of their PID controllers:
PID Controllers



Hi all
Well about a year ago I bought a digital 4 rack , and now a couple of insights from a newbie, I wouldn't get anything less than a 6 rack if I did it over , the 4 rack has very little room for hanging sausage , about 13 inches with the heat shield in place and you need to keep it place , there are extra shelves you cane add to the four rack to make it a 8 rack and that will gain some extra room but not much( thanks Curt), next the temp swings are crazy so I often wonder how accurate the temp really is , if you kept it in doors some how it might not be so bad , but mine is outdoors and both hot and cold temps make it fluctuate 10-20* at times , the PID is a good fix but if I remember right a dual probe P-n-P was about 145.00 US but if it would help with the temp swings it would be well worth it . You started at the right place , these folks are invaluable with their knowledge and always willing to help . Remember ask all your questions not matter how stupid you think they are as I have probably already asked it and people after us will ask it again , come to the forum often and look around , it gets very addicting , and personally I think a Bradley is the coolest toy you'll ever own !! ;D . Good luck with getting one and look forward to seeing you on the forum more .


Well I would like to have the 6 rack. But the cost and the thought of the digital unit being wasted because I add a PID is all most sinfull. To be a 10-20 degree swing is unacceptable and I'm suprised a company highly regarded as Bradley to allow it is just wrong. When a controller such as the PID can keep it to 1-2 degrees. Honestly there are quite a few nice smokers in this price range available. Main reason I like Bradley is you can seperate the smoker from the cabinet and vent it for indoor use. I know it sold as a outdoor unit but this makes it one of the safest for that purpose. I seen it done here quite often and there seems to be little problems. I wouldnt change it with wood burning but pucks and water bowel seems safer.
  I would think you could by a 6 without the digital but it dont seem possible. Cant see why. I have  learned a lot just reading here. Lots of answers and advise also recipes. I would reccommend this site over any I have seen. Believe me Ive googled them all. Very nice board and people. Hope to be here a long time and get to know a lot of you.

Happy smoking!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Princess Auto sells the DBS for the same price as a OBS everywhere else. Regular IS $399, everyone else sells it for $499.



Welll if you want the original its on sale for 244.00 on Amazon now. Plus free shipping!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.

Habanero Smoker

If you have a Amazon Rewards Visa card, you will get an additional 20% off when you use their card. The promotion ends May 31st and you must use the promotional code PATIOOFF.

If you don't have that card, you can apply on-line and if you qualify you will be approved within one minute; plus they give you $40 that will be applied towards the purchase.
