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Polish Party Time: Kielbasa for the masses.....

Started by Kevin A, August 19, 2011, 06:42:58 PM

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Kevin A

Quote from: cobra6223 on August 21, 2011, 01:41:34 PM
Can't wait to try somecould or would you please post the exact amounts ?

Here ya go, Tim! Simple recipe—most of the work is the prep in cubing & curing a portion of the meat. If one doesn't wish to do the 'cube,' its faster to just grind & mix everything.

Polish Kielbasa

Pork 10lbs— 5lbs ground using 4.5mm plate; 5lbs LEAN cut in 1/2" cubes; add 1 level tsp cure#1 to 1.2 cup cold water, dissolve & mix with cubes. Refrigerate overnight.

Kosher Salt    90g
Cure#1          2 level tsp
Sugar            12g
Black pepper  10g
Marjoram (powdered)  5g
Garlic   16-20g (5-10 cloves, to taste)
Cold water     2 cups

Mix ground & cubed meat; add spices & rest of cure. Mix well into a sticky meat paste.
Stuff into 32-42mm natural casing. Hang to dry for at least an hour before applying smoke.
Heavy smoke for 2 hours; begin @130° raising temps gradually to 160°. Pull when desired color is reached (IT around 135°).
Poach in 160-170° water until IT hits 157°. Dunk in ice bath to cool or fan-dry on rack. Refrigerate.

That's how I did it, at least.  ;)

Jim O

Hey Kev !

Great lookin' stuff. Love the colour !

Jim O
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Quote from: Kevin A on August 24, 2011, 08:37:36 AM
Quote from: cobra6223 on August 21, 2011, 01:41:34 PM
Can't wait to try somecould or would you please post the exact amounts ?

Here ya go, Tim! Simple recipe—most of the work is the prep in cubing & curing a portion of the meat. If one doesn't wish to do the 'cube,' its faster to just grind & mix everything.

Polish Kielbasa

Pork 10lbs— 5lbs ground using 4.5mm plate; 5lbs LEAN cut in 1/2" cubes; add 1 level tsp cure#1 to 1.2 cup cold water, dissolve & mix with cubes. Refrigerate overnight.

Kosher Salt    90g
Cure#1          2 level tsp
Sugar            12g
Black pepper  10g
Marjoram (powdered)  5g
Garlic   16-20g (5-10 cloves, to taste)
Cold water     2 cups

Mix ground & cubed meat; add spices & rest of cure. Mix well into a sticky meat paste.
Stuff into 32-42mm natural casing. Hang to dry for at least an hour before applying smoke.
Heavy smoke for 2 hours; begin @130° raising temps gradually to 160°. Pull when desired color is reached (IT around 135°).
Poach in 160-170° water until IT hits 157°. Dunk in ice bath to cool or fan-dry on rack. Refrigerate.

That's how I did it, at least.  ;)

Thanks Kevin

I have filed this one. Do you think that using a 1/2 " plate would give the large chunks that you are looking for. I am too lazy to cut up everything in 1/2 inch cubes and then working the rest of it as it states. I would make a larger batch on your word that it is great stuff. How is that for pressure. I just don,t want to get my junk dirty for a small batch. So far lately I am happy with what I have made. Thanks again for the recipe.


Kevin A


Yeah, the cubes are definitely optional. You could coarse-grind half & get a similar results, or just medium grind the whole lot & be done with it in one shot.

Why'd I know you'd be making a BIGGER batch?  ;D
Please note that I've used kosher salt in the recipe, not regular salt. That's why I listed ingredients in weight, not volume. Same rational with powdered/ground versus leafed marjoram. Add as much garlic as desired.
