Perishing durations?

Started by Mani, January 06, 2006, 08:06:26 AM

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Dear all,

I am new to this forum having made what I hope to be a wise investment in a smoker.

One thing I don't seem, to be able to find information on is suggested consumption times, or a duration at which various food stuffs will become 'off' I'm particularly interested in Bacon (I don't know if it may alter the time, but English bacon is from the back rather than the Belly like US bacon and contains substantially more lean that fat) and Hot smoked sausages.

I thank you in advance for any advice.



Welcome to the Forum Mani!
I have never tried English Bacon but, you can make bacon using pork butt or pork loin. I have also made beef bacon using beef flats.
What kind of sausage are you going to make? Are you planning on grinding,seasoning and stuffing your own?
I sometimes will buy store bought sausage or wieners that are natural casing and heat up in the smoker with the smoke on the whole time. Depending on how thick the meat is, it usually only takes about 40 minutes.
Here is a link regarding British Bacon and it also has British Bangers.

Here is the link:

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


Hi Doug,  thanks for the reply.

I do prefer English bacon to be honest.  The closest thing we have to what you'd call bacon in the US is Streaky Bacon, just as easy to get, but it has a much higher fat to lean content.

That's right, I make the Sausages myself from scratch, generally using Organic produce.  My favourites being the Cumberland Ring, Beef Port and Stilton cheese, Angus Aberdeen Beef and Caramelised Onions, or something that the nearest comparison would be a Toulouse Sausage, Bacon, Pork, Fennel, various other Herbs.


It seems like you have a pretty good sausage recipe going. Sounds good! By the way, just thinking, have you ever tried Swedish potato sausage. I like to leave it bulk, (without stuffing) and pan fry in patty form.
Here is a link for cottage bacon. I think you would like it over our regular bacon. Here is a link:

Also, in regards to your original question regarding "shelf life" after the product is made, a lot of us are using vacuum package systems to package and store our finished products. They hold up longer in the cooler and in the freezer. With most of these type packages you can package up your product in portion sizes and after thawing you can reheat in the pouch for convenience. They are very useful.  

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


I did a Google on English Bacon and back bacon. It looks like the meat they are using is a boneless pork loin with the cap of fat still on. Over here, this cut would be hard to find because all of the porkloins you find are going to have this cap of fat trimmed off. If you can find this cut, curing it and smoking it in the Bradley would be easy. I could give you some tips to get you started. You can handle it as long as you can find that cut of meat. I really think you will be happy with how your Bradley performs on this type of smoke.

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


I think you are correct jaegar, as far as I am aware British Back Bacon is pork loin whilst British Streaky Bacon is pork belly, I think the Canadians uses pork loin to make "Canadian" bacon as it is known in the US?

We get Canadian bacon on this side of the pond too.

I would agree with the comment about vacuum sealers, I use one and they are indispensable in prolonging both refridgerated and frozen produce.

I have not done bacon in the BS as yet and am therefore unqualified to pass comment, I do intend to do it sometime soon and the website below looks quite a good for information regarding bacon.

I have bought things from them and find them good to deal with, they also sell vacuum sealers and a bacon cure together with giving instructions as to their use.

Presumably they would be able to give advice regarding shelf life too.    



Welcome to the Forum, Steve!

Newton MA
Newton MA


Hey Mani, are you a City fan or a United fan . . . careful now, your reply cold determine your future on the Forum [:D][;)][:D]!

Newton MA
Newton MA


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by JJC</i>
<br />Hey Mani, are you a City fan or a United fan . . . careful now, your reply cold determine your future on the Forum [:D][;)][:D]!

Newton MA
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


I did something awful in a previous life, I'm not only a City fan, but a life long season ticket holder.


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I'm not only a City fan, but a life long season ticket holder.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Welcome to the forum Mani.

Hey John, I will vouch for Mani, as one long suffering City fan to another![:D]



Hey Manxman,

There are those that need to have a leather clad dominatrix cause them serious physical pain, those that crawl around on all fours in frat houses sayin 'Thankyou sir, may I have another' (If Animal house is to believed) we get our masochistic kicks at Eastlands every other Saturday!

My old man has a lot to answer for.


Hi Mani

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">My old man has a lot to answer for.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

You and me both, my dad knew the then City Chairman many years ago, a guy called Eric Alexander.He lived on the IOM, as his son still does I gather.

As a boy we used to get away and watch games relatively often in the days of Lee, Bell, Young, Book et al.....ah, those were the days!!

Sadly get away very infrequently now and my eldest (8 years old) is an ardent Liverpool fan! Trying to get a couple of tickets for the L'pool v City on Sunday 26/02 but given Liverpool's resurgence they are nigh on impossible to get hold of! [:(]

Ah well, c'est la vie!



Geez, what a love fest goin' on with you two City fans . . .

Maybe we should start a "New Topics" thread for us soccer fans?

BTW, I hate Man U and am definitely a City fan . . . you both must have enjoyed the S****horpe spanking on Saturday!  Speaking of Man City and S****horpe, how is Kevin Keegan perceived by the City fans? (we really need to move this to a non-smoking New Topics thread before we run amok)!

Newton MA

P.S.--in editing this post, I can't spell S****horpe in its entirelty because the **** keeps getting replaced with **** [:D][;)]
Newton MA



Ah, the Alexander's, I'm aware of them, although a bit before my time.  My old man saw them win everything, even in Europe (Quite good luck when we played Gornik in Vienna in the ECWC final he was based in Germany and got a two day pass) then I was born, we've won nothing other than the league cup in '76 (Although I have seen them at Wembley four times, two wins, two losses).

Lee Bell and Sumerbee I can't remember, although apparently when I was about two and sat on the wall in the Kippax, Colin Bell who was taking a throw give me a hug.


Hi John,  

The first half on Saturday against Skunny was pretty poor, although the second half was a big improvement.  Pretty poor turn out though, but I think it was always going to be.

Keegan, well, he did some good for us, but he's not as well perceived as his in Newcastle.  Some of his buys were appalling, and to an extent that's the problem we're still facing.  Pearce (A living god to most Englishmen) has an inherited team, so he's still facing problems created by Keegan.

His training regime was poor, his tactics non-existent, but apart from that he was OK....

How does someone stateside get to support City?  Every time I've been their I get somewhat upset when the say "Do you support Manchester?"  I naturally have to remind them there's only one team in Manchester and it's not the one they know of!