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Try try again!

Started by viper125, February 26, 2012, 11:11:15 AM

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Well just pulled the dogs out! running between 52 and 54 degrees. Water never got over 160 degrees. i still see grease in the water. And when i poked a couple to check temps some sprayed water. But I see pockets of grease in casings. I am cooling in ice water now.  Will post pics with and with out casings in a little bit. I think I may have too much grease in the meat. did a 50/50 beef and pork. Cut all fat from pork and used 80/20 burger. Didn't think that would be too much. But its the only thing I can think of now.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Well these are a lot better. Still getting a lot of grease pockets. But they look good and taste good.
Here is what i seen when cooling in the sink.

Does this look normal? I know your going to get some but this seems like a lot I guess.
These are after pealing the casings Which I just squeezed and they come right out.

A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Man, those look OK to me!


Viper, they look good to me.  When you say you poke and you get a spray of water I think you are getting fat that is under pressure.  I have shot a hot stream of grease all over the kitchen so that is normal.  A store bought dog has more fat than what you are making.  The fat is distributing through out the meat.  Yes you will get some fat between the casing and a run thru warm water will take it off.  I think it is normal to get fat floating in the water so I would not worry about it.  The main thing is if you are happy with the results and they taste good then you done good.  ;D

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.



They look like perfect dogs to me, Look out Oscar Meyer Vipers gettin a WeinerMobile ;D


Nice looking dogs!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well they sure look good to me...well done my friend...
Digital Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
The Big Easy with Srg grill
MAK 2 Star General
Char Broil gas grill


Well thanks all! Thanks for all the good wish's and thoughts. I hate it when some thing don't work out. But I keep gong till it does. That's the irish in me. But i'm a crippled Irish since I quit drinking LOL We had some for lunch and Every one loved them.  So i guess I win this round. LOL So on to curing and smoking a Ham! Watch for coming photos. I hope ;)
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.