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Ranco ETC 111000-000 verses Auber PID

Started by 4given, March 07, 2012, 01:34:50 PM

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OK, I finaly found the post I was looking for! anderson5420 posted that he is using the Ranco ETC 111000-000 and it is working very well. I looked it up and it is a single probe but will only control temps up to 220 deg F. and costs $75 wired or $50 unwired and you can wire your own power cords.

The Auber Single probe controls temps up to 392 and costs $140

What are the pros and cons of these two devices besides the HUGE price difference? Is 220 Degrees enough for most things/everything? Is there another Ranco that goes a little higher?
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I believe STC bought one and used it outdoors, but I feel it is not that weather proof so you do have to take percaustions while you are using it out doors.

I have the Ranco 111-000 and use it to control the temperature of my Dry Curing Cabinet. It works well controlling cooler temperatures, within 1 - 2 degree, but I have never switched it to heating mode so I can give you any information on that.

I haven't looked around on their websit for a while so they may now make one the that will control at a higher temperature.

Ranco ETC

If you want to wire your own, the Ranco does not come with any wiring directions. I found the direction on the internet and when I wired mine I posted the directions on the recipe site. The benifiets of wiring your own, you can make the cords any length you want.

Ranco ETC 111000-000 - 120V Wiring Guide



Yes, I used one for about a year until I found a deal on a gently used Auber PID.  It works quite well, but it doesn't have the fine control of the Auber.  (you'll still see temperature swings)   The 220° max was slightly annoying, but I just allowed for extra cooking time while using it.

I bought the pre-wired one.

The Auber will give you tighter temperature control, and you can program it to perform multiple steps.


I use the single probe Auber PID. Just cant beat it. Used a Guru for while to.

Use Johnson controlls for my dry cure fridge. Close to the Ranco.