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My little farm

Started by viper125, March 18, 2012, 08:56:58 AM

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Well i have a hard time walking a lot these days. So the only hunting i do is here. And Deer is mostly what i hunt. I love to watch them. So occasionally I'll shoot a few squirrel ,rabbit or geese. Shoot groundhogs to keep them out of garden. I also was taught to never kill what you wont eat. Except for self defense or to protect crops and such. So some times I'll just de bone and throw what ever in a bag and freeze till I get enough for wild game sausage. Now for that any thing that walks, crawls, fly's or swims is about fair game. But I do love rabbit and squirrel fried with biscuits and gravy. LOL

A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


You could feed an army with that!!
Very nice!!!
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Yes I agree - if that's small in your book my little corner garden is but a dot. Wow that's nice. Wish I was given my dad's green thumb. Instead I have the killa thumb  :o


Well while the weather was warm we planted about 340 onions, 300 ft of Kenebac potatoes, About 100 ft of peas and some cabbage. We also planted our seed in the basement for our plants. Going to cut back and space wider this year. Got about 250 plants started and a pile of flowers. Hopefully in 2-3 months to have some healthy plants. Only planting two types of tomatoes this year. Abe Lincoln and Hillbilly's.Both a couple of Heritage tomatoes. Been around a long time. Have the old style Tomato flavor. Lot richer and better taste then today's hybrids. The hillbilly is a low acid too! Well that's the latest update. Mowing yard and cutting fire wood. And rebuilding my boats out drive in my spare time. Got to get ready to lay my winter supply of fish in soon. Walleye,Perch and Steel head.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


That's a pretty good size garden you got in there. pretty sure you can plant a lot in there! well at least enough for personal farming of veggies and all. I am planning to have my own veggie garden too, just been trying out what vegetable sprouts well on our kind of weather.Do hope that i can plant the ones used for salads cause i am a big salad fan.


Even when I was younger living in town I grew fresh veggies. I would plant a few peppers and a couple tomatoes in a pot in side. Also hide them in the flower beds. Look pretty blooming or when vegges turned color. Hope to try my own ghost peppers soon. But in this area their better grown indoor or in a green house. Take about 5 months from germination to pepper. And will not be as hot if you don't keep between 85-90 Thing of buying a small green house or a portable indoor one. Love really hot peppers.I see there is one hotter then ghost now.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


That beats the heck out of my little garden but here it is, all 4x8 ft of it.  ;D  It's part of a community garden of around 100 plots that started last year.  Each January the city hall makes the plots available on a first come, first serve basis - one per family.  They furnish the plots, soil, mulch and water (we have to do the actual watering ourselves).  We just have to plant what we want, grow it and maintain it.

This is our first year and we're having a lot of fun doing it.  We raised it all from a pup...well, from seeds started in our basement.  Here's our spring crop:


Nice little community plot Ted.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Looks very nice. I use to plant that size all the time. Didnt really have enough land to do more. But got some good crops and was always happy.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


My next door neighbor has three of them in her yard but they have snow fence around them to keep the wild cats out of them from pooping in the soil. I love cats but the wild ones have to go.......Squirt you want more puss y  ;D ;D ;D ;D


 I cant even plant a garden here yet for fear of snow or freezing. Looks nice