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OBS Temperature Sensor

Started by dsmiley, June 20, 2012, 01:52:30 PM

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I smoked some Chicken today using the Chicken Italiano recipe (modified) and I had the PID set for 240*.  The main element kicked out at around 230-235*so I continued on just using the second added element.  This has been a problem in the past so this spring I changed the temperature sensor thinking the original might be bad.  It is rated for 248*, I believe.  Well, I still have the problem.  I did look online for a higher rated sensor but didn't find one in the same design.  Anyway, now I think I'll put a switch on the back panel which will allow me to bypass the sensor.  The sensor is a safety feature which I don't want to completely eliminate but I do want to be able to get to higher temps using both elements and this should allow that.  I have noticed many a smoker going to higher temps and I was wondering if you all remove the sensor from the circuit or what?  How do you do this?

I recently found Jan's Dry Rub recipe so I used this on the chicken.  I was worried about the chicken drying out without a brine but this chicken was moist and tender and the rub took it over the top.  I really love smoker successes!  Thank you Jan and KyNola.  Can't wait to try it on ribs.

Chicken pic 1 –http://www.deansmiley.com/Gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=3025&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
Chicken pic 2 -http://www.deansmiley.com/Gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=3028&g2_imageViewsIndex=1

"You will thank us for smoking."



That's some pretty looking chicken you made

Habanero Smoker

I don't know why yours trips at such a low temperature.  I still have my sensor on the main element, but I have an older model that can get up to 320°F before the sensor will shut the element down. The newer models are set to shut the element off when you get above 280°F. I can't fully recall my discussion with Brian on this, but I believe he stated there is a 20°F window either way, but the sensor generally trips at temperature above 280°F; so that give a range of 260 - 300°F.



Chicken looks good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I find it curious that on Bradley's website they list the maximum controllable temperature as 280F http://www.bradleysmoker.com/product/bradley-electric-smoker/yet the sensor used in them is rated at 120C (248F).  The photo of the sensor shown on YardandPool.com http://www.yardandpool.com/PhotoDetails.asp?ShowDESC=N&ProductCode=TEMPSENSOR is exactly like the sensor I have and it shows the temperature as 120C.  I'm guessing that maybe in the interest of safety they lowered the sensor temperature rating sometime in the past but didn't change the specs on the website.  While I rarely want to exceed 225-230F I'm still going to add the switch to bypass the sensor so I can get to 250F or so when I want. 

"You will thank us for smoking."



Man, that is some pretty chicken!

Smoker John

That poultry does look great
Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712

Habanero Smoker

They lowered it about 3 or 4 years ago from 320°F to 280°F. It is possible that they lowered it again. It took Bradley a long time to make the correction on the website after they lowered the temperature the first time. I can take mine past 300°F before mine trips (I have a second element), but I find once I go over 250°F or so, the drippings on the drip tray give off a burnt odor.

By the way your chicken did come out looking good.



Habs, on the 611 the sensor is 120C, So i guess they lowered it only once.

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Toker on June 21, 2012, 01:34:56 PM
Habs, on the 611 the sensor is 120C, So i guess they lowered it only once.

You have had the Original Black for a while. Can you still read the numbers off of that sensor? Today I will see if my is marked, and if it still can be read.




Habanero Smoker

Thanks. I'll see what mine reads and post it later.


Habanero Smoker

Mine is a little older and marked a little differently. Though it has the letters and numbers KOS 120; there is no degree symbol or the "C" following the 120. What I believe those temperatures represent, are the temperature at which the switch resets.



It sounds like maybe Bradley bounced around some on the sensor rating.  I wish I could get my hands on any that were rated higher than 120C.  Short of that, it will be a bypass switch which I now think will go on the front of the tower to avoid the "out of sight out of mind"  thing. 

"You will thank us for smoking."



Well, I smoked some chicken again today and I had the PID set for 230°.  The new sensor tripped before it got there so I did the ice cube thing on the sensor and lowered the PID to 225°. The sensor kicked out yet again.  At this point I don't see the usefulness of this sensor, so as much as I like having safety features, I'm going to take the thing right out of the circuit until I can find a sensor with a higher rating.  It's my feeling that this smoker should be able to get to 250°F.  For that, Bradley could have gone from a 150C to a 135C rated sensor instead of the 120C.  When they erred on the side of caution, I think maybe it was too big a deviation.
On the other hand, the chicken was awesome.  I marinated 2 split young chickens overnight with Italian Dressing (1 cup) and applied Jan's Rub while they were coming up to room temp. this morning.  I then smoked to an IT of 167°.  They were so moist inside and just succulent.  I went heavier on the Jan's Rub than last time and it was the correct thing to do.  Great stuff!   
"You will thank us for smoking."
