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whole hog

Started by axman, July 04, 2012, 07:39:00 PM

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most of this summer i have been working on a hog roaster,  fuel oil barrel type  . it was a charcoal fired before i got it, and most of the work i've do was to make the way i what it to be. it now has a 4ft propane pipe burner, 6"x 5ft x 3.5 box for wood (smoke box)  and instead of roasting a hog whole i but 4- 10" x 56" tray on a rotisserie so i could cut the hog in smaller  pieces. i cut this hog 16 pieces total. everything work good, throw a couple ribs on on it today after curing it with smoke. they turned out very nice. 

now my question. i have done a lot of butt but never a whole hog and am looking for I.T. that i need to cook every thing to, for good sandwiches. the hog like i said is cut in to 16 pieces, all the leg are cut into 2 pieces  the main carcass is cut in 1/2 then cut in 4 pieces the  ribs and pork belly,  the loan, neck and where the front shoulder attaches  and where the rear legs attach.  do i run the I.t. up to 190-200 degs on everything? or is there better I.T. for some of these other parts? i am aware that i may have to cut/chop not pull some of them.
any help would help thanks


just for the sake of other who have been inspired by their bradley smoker and have the need to go bigger and roast/smoke an whole hog.
i ran the I.T to 170-180 degs with my roaster/smoker the run time was 15hrs at approx 200 degs with 6 hrs smoke  and other then the rear legs ( not much for marble fat) it all pulled great.  and taste amazing. in the end i really did need a answer to my question because it was easy to tell  that it was done.  There was not a bone that had to be cut out,   they all easily pulled out after 4 hours of FTC.

thanks for everyone that at lest looked, i do LOVE my Bradley but some times you have to go BIG or go HOME


Axman, I am just waiting for my shoulder to heal up. Which will be awhile since I am going to have a second surgery the week following the Midwest Smoke Out. When the shoulder does finally heal up, I am going to be using this big girl!

in action (click on picture)

Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Axman, 10.5 is the man to give you advice on whole hog cooking.  I'm sure there are others that can add in as well, but he is the first that comes to my mind.  I have done whole hog cooking, but it was in a pit in the ground and covered.  No way to check temp. until you opened it up, check and if there was a question we covered back up with more fire on top.  Of course there was some liquid help for the cooks.  Usually was a two day-one night project, and multiple good friends involved keeping the fire going and a supply of refreshments.  Sounds as if you are having fun.  We would love some pic's if you have them.
Bradley DS4 with Auber PID and dual element mod
Char-Broil SRG
Weber kettle with rotisserie
Charmglow 5 burner with rotisserie pgg
Pit Barrel Smoker

We the people own this United States Of America,and the Constitution is our owners manual.


Quote from: Tenpoint5 on July 09, 2012, 05:17:51 AM
Axman, I am just waiting for my shoulder to heal up. Which will be awhile since I am going to have a second surgery the week following the Midwest Smoke Out. When the shoulder does finally heal up, I am going to be using this big girl!

in action (click on picture)

That thing looks like one heck of a jerky turner.
Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer www.lulu.com/mediabyKevinG


i would love to show pic of my handy work but have not figure out how to post the on line yet.


"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


if i have picture on face book is there a way to get the from there to here