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Upgrade heating element upgrade - digital unit

Started by ChicaFeliz, July 26, 2012, 11:56:39 AM

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Quote from: Alanfromwis on August 21, 2012, 01:15:42 PM
Have been trying to add pics from photo bucket & am gaing on it, but still no pics. Alan

Look at the 4 boxes below each pic on Photobucket.  Click on the one the says "IMG code" and paste the contents of it into a message.  Click on the Preview button to see that it worked like you wanted and then post the message.   :)


Retirement means every day is Saturday except Sunday


Quote from: Alanfromwis on August 01, 2012, 09:25:43 AM
Hi All,
  Have read recent posts on this issue, & am now doing 2 shoulder roasts & baby back ribs that I started this morning at 6am. I am using the BDS controller to turn SSR on and off with no PID. When BDS controller would turn on & off, this 120vac is fed to a small power transformer with a primary of 120 vac and a secondary of 9vac then a full wave bridge rectifier to produce 9 vdc. This then turns on & off the SSR The meat load is about 10 lbs. temp swings are less with meat in than when I tested it with  oven empty. I had some of the parts, but for $30 to $40 you should be able to get all new parts for this setup. Almost forgot to mention that I included a 120 vac neon indicator to show when element is on or off.
  Have tested this setup further & found it works very well to recover temps after door is opened & initial warmup as well. Does also make higher temps with a larger meat load. The way it's designed, if or when I decide to go with a PID, this unit can be unplugged & PID plugged in as a direct replacement as there are no mods of any kind to existing digital controller. I have $26.75 in new parts in this setup & using a power cord & power socket from a used computer. A used wall wart could be used as a DC power supply.
  On a day when the air temp was about 80, element was on about 7 minutes, & off about 9 minutes with about 10lb load & temp set at 220 degrees. A big improvement over 500 watt element.
Retirement means every day is Saturday except Sunday