Dumb question on turkey breasts but Im'ma ask anyways

Started by Consooger, November 11, 2012, 07:16:21 PM

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Quote from: squirtthecat on November 13, 2012, 05:08:35 PM
Yep, start to finish at once.   Either get up reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally early, or do them the night before, go to bed reaaaaaallllllllllly late, and reheat for a bit for the feast.
Or, do them this Sunday at your leisure, vacuum seal them after they have cooled off, then reheat in a pan of hot (not boiling!) water on Turkey day morning.   Cut open, slice and enjoy.
I'd pick door #2 Monty.    They are always better left over.
I'll take door #2 as well.  I'm doing a turkey boulder(the 10 poung thingy) on Wednesday and will reheat that bad boy on Thanksgiving Thursday.

I'm assuming the breasts you are cooking are those bone-in turkey breasts.  I would smoke/cook them, bring them in and let them rest and then remove the solid breast halves from the bone and individually vac seal each half.(I know you know how to do that. If not, shoot me a PM)  Come Thanksgiving, heat 'em as needed as STC suggested in the water bath.  That way, if the turkey isn't all eaten you can present your FIL and BIL with their turkey breast halves still vac sealed.

BTW do NOT toss those turkey bone carcasses.You have some amazing smoked turkey stock at your fingertips.  Water in a stockpot, quarter an onion(don't bother to peel) a couple of carrots chunked up and a couple stalks of celery chunked up.  Some salt and whole peppercorns.  Turkey carcasses and all the other ingredients into the pool.  Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.  Recipes say you can do this for an hour or so.  In my house it's going for at least 2, maybe 3 hours.  It will reduce cooking it that long but you are going to wind up with some very flavorful stock.   


Holding a cooked turkey breast for an hour or more really isn't a problem.  When I was frying and smoking turkey a couple of weeks ago, I could only fry one bird at a time.  When the first bird came out, I used the FTC approach.  Wouldn't fit into the smaller coolers we have, so slid it into the microwave.  When I went to carve the breast meat off the carcass in about an hour and a quarter, it was still so hot that I had trouble handling the meat.  I'm betting that an FTC approach would keep your bird in the safe temp range for a couple of hours.  To keep the bird hot for two hours, you might want to add a second towel, several layers of newspaper, or the like. 


ok so I'm going to smoke the 2 breasts and finish each on TBE. Now my next question is how do I stand the breast up. Will it stand up straight on it's own. I have the insert for the rack inside I just think an 8 lb breast will end up falling to one side?
"Telling you to invest in smoking your own jerky because buying it so much was getting way too expensive was the worst thing I could have ever done to us, now look at the monster I have created!" :-)
               -My Wife


If you can find a cheap 'beer can chicken' stand, you can hammer the turkey breast on it to stand it up. 


sweet I have one of those out in the smoke room, I was thinking that i just thought it would be too top heavy.

"Telling you to invest in smoking your own jerky because buying it so much was getting way too expensive was the worst thing I could have ever done to us, now look at the monster I have created!" :-)
               -My Wife



Yep,,,,,,,,the beer can chicken holder upper, minus the beer can, works great for a turkey breast
