Taby says hi

Started by OU812, November 19, 2012, 09:03:48 PM

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Hello everyone,   I'm sittin here with the old man, for the first time in who knows how long.  I got a break from college finally.  Trying to fit everything in in a week is going to be tough, but I already got some hunting in.  Didn't see much but my dad sure did!! My shoulder is doing wonderful I can finally start throwing a wiffle ball next week!! Kind of good thing I didn't see any deer though I am still a little reluctant to shoot with that all going on. 

Have any of you heard of these velvet truffles?!? I made some the other day and haven't been able to stop eating them.  I had to give some to my brother and friends so I wouldn't eat them all.  Believe this,  my old man even ate one!!! Now that's surprising. 


Welcome home.  Enjoy the time with the family and the Old Man.  Glad to hear your shoulder is good.



Yah, I wouldn't chance messin that shoulder up by shootin a gun. Let that young spry father of your mess his shoulder up. Truffles and JD :o Must be nice to get away from college for a week.



Enjoy your time with the "Old Man", I am sure he is enjoying his time with you. :)


Quote from: Keymaster on November 20, 2012, 06:16:47 AM
Yah, I wouldn't chance messin that shoulder up by shootin a gun. Let that young spry father of your mess his shoulder up. Truffles and JD :o Must be nice to get away from college for a week.

This is the Old man;

The combination wasnt bad,,,,,,,,,,,the JD helped calm down the sweetness of the Truffle  ;D