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Started by Bear1968, November 24, 2012, 02:38:55 PM

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Made my stomach turn when I seen this.  >:(
Someone seriously needs to put a boot up her posterior. Very sad that people feel compelled to do these types of things while they enjoy their freedom .... which was bought by the sacrifices made by others.

UBC Local 268


What a idiot! She needs pimp slap! ;D

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Both she and her manager who took the photo have since been terminated by their employer.


Those kind of people are using up our valuable oxygen on this planet. What a waste of carbon they are!


Quote from: KyNola on November 24, 2012, 03:27:51 PM
Both she and her manager who took the photo have since been terminated by their employer.

serves them right for being stupid


And these are the freedoms we are protecting.


The lack or respect in this country is downright embarrassing. Should have shipped then to Afghanistan,they'd fit right in.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


The simple fact is the younger generation have been not taught any respect for this country or people in general. And now they are raising children with the same lack of values.

Whatever happened to opening the door for people? Or even holding the door for someone? Nope. They will just let it slam on you or even assist the door to close as you are walking up to it.

Last week I am holding my 2 year old while exiting a fast food place. The same person for whom I held the door for on the way into the restaurant (who did not even thank me or even acknowledge me) let it close on me as we were both leaving. While I am holding my child!

The lack of respect and selfishness in this country now is just unbelievable. And this is a prime example.

My children are being raised to be respectful but most others are not. Makes me sad :(
Natural Gas 4 burner stainless RED with auto-clean
2 TBEs(1 natural gas & 1 LP gas)
OBS(Auberins dual probe PID, 900w finned element & convection fan mods)
2011 Memphis Select Pellet Smoker
BBQ Grillware vertical smoker(oven thermostat installed & converted to natural gas)


I'm not going to leave my comment here  >:(


Quote from: muebe on November 25, 2012, 11:55:14 AM
The simple fact is the younger generation have been not taught any respect for this country or people in general. And now they are raising children with the same lack of values.

Whatever happened to opening the door for people? Or even holding the door for someone? Nope. They will just let it slam on you or even assist the door to close as you are walking up to it.

Last week I am holding my 2 year old while exiting a fast food place. The same person for whom I held the door for on the way into the restaurant (who did not even thank me or even acknowledge me) let it close on me as we were both leaving. While I am holding my child!

The lack of respect and selfishness in this country now is just unbelievable. And this is a prime example.

My children are being raised to be respectful but most others are not. Makes me sad :(
Move to the South, we still have a lot of common courtesy around here
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


Quote from: muebe on November 25, 2012, 11:55:14 AM
The simple fact is the younger generation have been not taught any respect for this country or people in general. And now they are raising children with the same lack of values.

Whatever happened to opening the door for people? Or even holding the door for someone? Nope. They will just let it slam on you or even assist the door to close as you are walking up to it.

Last week I am holding my 2 year old while exiting a fast food place. The same person for whom I held the door for on the way into the restaurant (who did not even thank me or even acknowledge me) let it close on me as we were both leaving. While I am holding my child!

The lack of respect and selfishness in this country now is just unbelievable. And this is a prime example.

My children are being raised to be respectful but most others are not. Makes me sad :(

The narcissism of today's youth, and a lot of the "not so young" isn't that hard to understand IMHO. Children are taught from a very early age that " there's no one more special in the world than you" ( Sesame Street song?), so everyone else is secondary to what "you" want, and therefore no one else matters. They're so special that noboby has the right to discipline them, and rules are for others. (Students attacking and or killing teachers/pricipals because they got a bad grade or detention or some such). And because they're so special, they're owed stuff. Cell phones, lap tops, free post- secondary education, and they don't have to work a day in their life for any of it because it's owed to them. It's their birth right and they're entitled to it. OWS, strikers using grade school kids to promote the striker's point of view, shouting down a speaker because you oppose their point of view....... They've been groomed well by the groomers. I don't think it's accidental.

I've hit the sixth decade and  I hold doors for people young or old without thinking, and on the way back out with arms loaded have to push through the door while some youth stands on the other side with hands in pockets waiting for me to get the h*ll out of the way. If I'd done that when I was young, a swift kick in the rear would have followed shortly, and I'd have deserved it.
Thankfully everyone isn't like that these days, but it does seem like you have to look harder to find people with good values and manners.
You're doing right by your kids Muebe. You'll never regret it and your kids won't either, and I appreciate it.
Give a man a beer and he'll waste a day.
Teach him how to brew and he'll waste a lifetime.


Quote from: Salmonsmoker on November 27, 2012, 12:35:24 PM
Quote from: muebe on November 25, 2012, 11:55:14 AM
The simple fact is the younger generation have been not taught any respect for this country or people in general. And now they are raising children with the same lack of values.

Whatever happened to opening the door for people? Or even holding the door for someone? Nope. They will just let it slam on you or even assist the door to close as you are walking up to it.

Last week I am holding my 2 year old while exiting a fast food place. The same person for whom I held the door for on the way into the restaurant (who did not even thank me or even acknowledge me) let it close on me as we were both leaving. While I am holding my child!

The lack of respect and selfishness in this country now is just unbelievable. And this is a prime example.

My children are being raised to be respectful but most others are not. Makes me sad :(

The narcissism of today's youth, and a lot of the "not so young" isn't that hard to understand IMHO. Children are taught from a very early age that " there's no one more special in the world than you" ( Sesame Street song?), so everyone else is secondary to what "you" want, and therefore no one else matters. They're so special that noboby has the right to discipline them, and rules are for others. (Students attacking and or killing teachers/pricipals because they got a bad grade or detention or some such). And because they're so special, they're owed stuff. Cell phones, lap tops, free post- secondary education, and they don't have to work a day in their life for any of it because it's owed to them. It's their birth right and they're entitled to it. OWS, strikers using grade school kids to promote the striker's point of view, shouting down a speaker because you oppose their point of view....... They've been groomed well by the groomers. I don't think it's accidental.

I've hit the sixth decade and  I hold doors for people young or old without thinking, and on the way back out with arms loaded have to push through the door while some youth stands on the other side with hands in pockets waiting for me to get the h*ll out of the way. If I'd done that when I was young, a swift kick in the rear would have followed shortly, and I'd have deserved it.
Thankfully everyone isn't like that these days, but it does seem like you have to look harder to find people with good values and manners.
You're doing right by your kids Muebe. You'll never regret it and your kids won't either, and I appreciate it.

I was raised in a strict Italian Family Household.  You mouthed off, you got cracked.  It was that simple.  You did something wrong, you were told...you did the same thing again, it was guaranteed that you wouldn't do it again.
I'm 46 years old and have cursed one time in front of my parents and that was when I burnt my arm on the header of my truck.  My kids have only heard me swear one time and that was when I jumped out of my truck and shattered my ankle...and guess what, I apologized to them for it. (come to think of it, I glad I got rid of that truck, LOL)

My oldest is in her first year of college.  I have always told her to know your audience and remember that what comes out of your mouth is a reflection of the person you are inside.  She tells me how some of the girls use the "F" word in every sentence that they talk.  She said she ends up ignoring her.

I hate to say it but my generation is causing a lot of this.  I see friends of mine that were raised in strict households like mine, doing just the opposite because they felt like they were treated bad.  Funny though, most of them are successful in their lives and the little time the have with their kids, they don't want to be punishing them.  I think that is the wrong attitude and make them aware of it every chance I get.  In fact, the one that wanted to be her daughter's best friend is now taking care of two babies that her daughter had from a drug dealer.

I take pride in my daughters on how well they turned out.  To this day, they respect their elders and others.  My one in college is now experiencing the college life and I just asked her to think before she does anything...she says that she hears my voice in her head every time she needs to make a decision.

Unfortunately you can't blame the kids, its the parents that have created it...now its a domino effect.


I think disrespect of that height should call for a automatic time in the service and in the field. Let them learn how them people got that level of respect. My cousin who was like my brother died in Nam with all the awards. Highest in our county and his photo hangs in all the baricks with others who gave every thing. He was 19. If I would have seen this Im sure id been arrested and it wouldn't of been pretty. Sorry but a matter of pride for me..after all thats all I got left of him!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


We sincerely apologise for all the pain we have caused by posting the picture

My A$$, they should have been fired and fined!
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Disagree TMB just not enough!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.