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Hi Fellow Smokers

Started by Tulla, February 28, 2013, 03:26:15 AM

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Hi everyone, Les here from the UK.
I have just got myself a BOS  and just seasoning it in as we speak.
Cant wait to get into a bit of Bacon all i have to do is get my head around a cure mix and hopefully see if i have it in "she who must be obeyed's" cupboard.
Looking forward to making a load of new buddies on here and hopefully learn from your much greater experience.



Swim Dad

Les, great to have you.  What else do yo plan on smoking?
OBS duel element, duel PID
Weber Genesis 1000 (very old)
(in that order)


Well swim dad, i guess i will try it all when i get a little more confident with what i am doing.
I am going to start curing a 1.25 kg belly pork tomorow....i know guys dont laugh !!! it's only a baby but i have to start somewhere.
Have been reading many articles and posts regarding cures etc, i am plumping for a dry cure although i really am unsure as to go ahead with it or go for a wet cure. I think dry appears to be easier for the newb to have a try with....what do you guys think.
More importantly i am having a job deciding exactly what to put in it, so many recipes and apart from the salt-sugar basis i guess the rest is down to personal preference.
I do  hope it works out well as the missus is still a bit iffy about the whole thing, when she tastes the bacon it will either convert her or send her straight to the supermarket  :-\


Happy Smoking Les.

if you have any questions .... just ask

The members here are friendly and helpful.


welcome aboard and  enjoy... what a good way to start  with a 1.25 kg belly,,, cant  wait to hear how it turns out


Thanks all for the encouragement. Can anyone give me the details and right measures etc for a good cure mix?
The more i look at these the more unsure i become as to which one will be the best.
Perhaps i need to worry less and just go for it.
The mix i was thinking of was one i found online and is basically salt-sugar black peppercorns and honey or maple syrup then whatever turns you on in regard to extra herbs or spices.


Welcome aboard, from south Texas.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Welcome to the Forum.  I was going to comment on your looking for ingredients for a curing mix in your cupboard to cure that pork belly for bacon but my lack of knowledge about how you folks in the UK cure bacon will override my instinct to tell you that you need a curing agent such as Cure #1, also known as pink salt, Prague Powder, etc. to properly cure the belly.

Hope your bacon turns out well for you.  Let us know what you cure the belly with and the results.   


Habanero Smoker

Hi Tulla;

Welcome to the forum.

You may want to take a look at the The Sausage Making Store. They can supply you with almost anything you need. I was surprised to see that they sold Cure # & #2.

They also have a great forum Sausage Making Forum



Thanks guys for the help. I have looked on both these sites before and i have to confess i kept seeing cure#1 and thought what on earth is that, thanks to you guys i am now in the know. Still undecided :-\ as to which way to go but i will get there.
Just like to say thanks again for all your input and welcomes. This already feels like a good place to be.KNY


Hi Les,

I am also from the UK and use the site Habs has pointed you to for most of my supplies which I can't get in normal shops. When making bacon I have found that the easiest method is to make up a dry cure of your choice (10.5 maple cure is my personal choice) and rub it on to the meat then seal it in a ziploc or vacuum sealed bag. It kind of starts out as a dry cure then, as the meat releases moisture, becomes wet so that when the cure is finished the meat is sitting in a brine. The only thing you need to do during curing is make sure the bag is sealed and turn it over and give it a massage every day.
Welcome to the forum. Happy smoking.


Made up a cure of coarse salt, maple syrup, cracked black pepper, mace, and some mixed herbs. Put it in some sealed bags, very tight fit and just checked on it from last night. A little leakage-god knows where from !!!, but not too bad.
Just hope i'm on the right tram. Will try and get some pics if i can get the missus phone.