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Second attempt Canadian Bacon

Started by Bubby-Joe, May 23, 2015, 08:06:45 AM

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Well I'm new to my 6 rack with lots of extra's, my  first attempt at Canadian bacon I rushed it and missed an important step but after 2 days in the fridge the extra salt was less of a problem, I missed the rinse and dry part and went straight to smoking, smoked 1.5 hour to long and cooked it more than smoked it but it got greedily consumed and even as a partial failure was better than what you get in the local super markets

Now after my second round of Canadian bacon that looks like everyone elses pictures and has amazing flavor I really want to thank all that post here and say at the very least most of my meat will now go through some process before being consumed to further enhance the great flavours from my smoker giving me a better understanding of what home processed is all about come on salmon can't wait for lox and candied

Well this is great where and better yet how do I add pictures of my results ow does the insert image work to download pictures from my desktop the my post before I load it onto the site.
Bradley 6 rack with extras
1 1/2 Bradley 2 racks with problems electronics good
2 little chief's
Old bear chewed cold smoker box homemade


Congratulations!  You've learned one of important principles of smoking.  Very few of your efforts will be failures.  Some will be a bit more successful than others.


Quote from: Bubby-Joe on May 23, 2015, 08:06:45 AM
Well I'm new to my 6 rack with lots of extra's, my  first attempt at Canadian bacon I rushed it and missed an important step but after 2 days in the fridge the extra salt was less of a problem, I missed the rinse and dry part and went straight to smoking, smoked 1.5 hour to long and cooked it more than smoked it but it got greedily consumed and even as a partial failure was better than what you get in the local super markets

Now after my second round of Canadian bacon that looks like everyone elses pictures and has amazing flavor I really want to thank all that post here and say at the very least most of my meat will now go through some process before being consumed to further enhance the great flavours from my smoker giving me a better understanding of what home processed is all about come on salmon can't wait for lox and candied

Well this is great where and better yet how do I add pictures of my results ow does the insert image work to download pictures from my desktop the my post before I load it onto the site.

Hey BJ

Greetings from Ontario.

Here, we can buy in the supermarkets what is called peameal bacon. You can buy it sliced for frying or in whole pieces for roasting. It is already cured. I buy the whole peameals, rinse them in cold water, let them dry a bit and then smoke to make my back bacon. Whole lot easier than curing a pork loin yourself.

Olde Tyme Square Dance for Fun


Hey BJ

Greetings from Ontario.

Here, we can buy in the supermarkets what is called peameal bacon. You can buy it sliced for frying or in whole pieces for roasting. It is already cured. I buy the whole peameals, rinse them in cold water, let them dry a bit and then smoke to make my back bacon. Whole lot easier than curing a pork loin yourself.SDC

Yes I can also do that but the prices being demanded here at the end of the road is very high priced and quality compromised as well as more preservatives than meat now because we are what we eat I'm going for less highly preserved so called convenient foods to produce foods with real flavours as safe as possible.  Now don't get me wrong some items are a lot more convenient and a real pain to get consistent results.  Fresh produce is mostly wet packed today and is either moldy or 1/2 way to the trash bin before it can be consumed.  Most big buisness food chaines for the most part has no concience just a bottom line that must be satisfied before quality or in some cases saftey, Bradley is in my opinion not this way at least they're going to there followers to post and improve there recipies and mod's to there own product's to improve them. this kind of customer service is lacking in a lot of items we all purchase on a daily basis we should all have the ability to be able to feed ourselves with high quality foods that are not just safe but have unbelievable flavour this is my reason for moving to better quality and less toxic chemical convenient food items.  My ability to make a safe and less chemically toxic product will in the long run will be better for me than the store bought items sold today in most but not all stores.

This extends to all things in life not just the food chain.  Man has lost the ability to make a comfortable pair of shoes and then complains about how hard it is to get around without pain on bad feet caused by poor quality footware.

My dad's dad was a small local butcher and shop owner that was in the end forced to retire early and put out of buisness by the larger buisneses moving in for a large piece of his small piece of the pie.  Was he bitter I don't think so he passed on his knowledge to the entire family and we still to this day eat very well for being on the low end of the income spectrum this is lost on today's youth, to bad for them.  I passed the ability to find gold in the ground to my grand son and created an 8 year old gold digger in the real sence of the words.  I'm in the process of going back to a more pioneer expierence and more self reliance and less big business.  We could all learn from this.

Smoking and curing of meats is a rite and tradition to be carried on into the future by as many as possible today.  Sustainability is a key to the future.
Bradley 6 rack with extras
1 1/2 Bradley 2 racks with problems electronics good
2 little chief's
Old bear chewed cold smoker box homemade