Dad's Deer Sausage Recipe

Started by ragweed, March 25, 2013, 02:35:50 PM

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Quote from: paulsnapp on March 26, 2013, 11:24:40 AM
Thanks for the reply.  So is "cure #1" the same thing as Insta Cure #1 and Prague Powder #1?  Also, in your cure formula you used 7 tsp Kosher Salt and 1 3/4 tsp Cure #1.  That is 8 3/4 tsps.  Your recipe shows you used 6 tsp of salt cure.  So did you mix up 8 3/4 tsp batch and only use 6 tsps?

No.  Dad's recipe called for 6 Table spoons of "salt cure".  That's what I couldn't figure out.  So, I came up with 7 teaspoons of kosher salt and 1 3/4 teaspoons of cure #1 to replace his "salt cure".


Based on his last response this is what I come up with for a 10 pound batch:

3.5 tsp Black Pepper
0.7 tsp Garlic Powder
0.7 tsp ground Coriander
0.3 tsp Thyme
2.0 tsp Mustard Seed
7.8 tsp Kosher Salt
1.9 tsp Cure # 1
Bradley 4 Rack Digital Smoker
Auber Dual Probe PID Controller
Second Heating Element Mod
Smoke and Stuff Fan Mod


Quote from: ragweed on March 26, 2013, 12:32:11 PM
Quote from: classicrockgriller on March 26, 2013, 12:22:05 PM
Kinda looks like he made up enough "spice batch" to do (10)

10lb batches (100 lbs). So for a 10 lb batch I came up with:

3.5 tsp Black Pepper
3/4 tsp Garlic Powder
3/4 tsp ground Coriander
1/2 tsp Thyme
2 tsp Mustard Seed
1 tsp Kosher Salt
2 tsp Cure # 1(14g)

If someone sees something wrong with what I came up with .... pls let me know.

Thanks! Gonna do it.

Ragweed Summer Sausage!

CRG, now you've got me confused :-\  I'll put my pencil to it and get back to you.  The jerky is calling me!  But this I know.  I used 7 tsp of kosher salt for my 9 lb batch.

Ok I see where I goofed up.


Mark in Ottawa

Quote from: NePaSmoKer on March 26, 2013, 12:47:46 PM
This was made by my friend Martin.

Its pretty good.

Thanks - bookmarked this too!

Mark (in Ottawa)
DBS 4-Rack w/ Auber dual-probe PID
Maverick ET-732


Okay, I'm back.  Add up the tsp in Dad's blend and you get 72.5.  For a nine lb batch you use 6 1/2 TABLE spoons or 19.5 TEA spoons.  So you would get a total of ~3.7 batches, not 10.  So for approximately 10 lbs, you'd use:

8.75 tsp pepper
1.75 tsp garlic
1.75 tsp coriander
.875 tsp thyme
7 tsp salt
5 tsp mustard seed
2 tsp cure #1

Dad's nine lb batch came from the fact that his smoker and roaster for poaching held three, three lb chubs.  So to make it easy, I just make 9 lb batches.

Hope this helps and is close to correct...Joe


I mixed the ingredients and gave it the wet finger taste test and I like it.

Ragweed Summer Sausage

8.75 tsp pepper
1.75 tsp garlic
1.75 tsp coriander
1 tsp thyme
7 tsp salt
3 tsp mustard seed
2 tsp mustard seed (slightly ground)

2 tsp cure #1 (to be added at mixing time)

Will be using a 60/40 venison to bst butt ratio.

Going to stuff and smoke tomorrow or Thursday.

Thanks Joe.


for 10 lbs you will need 2 level tsp of cure #1 or 14.0g