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I need your advice.

Started by Copper Creek, July 01, 2004, 05:00:47 PM

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Copper Creek

I need your advice on my weekend project.  I intend to smoke two six pound brisketts and two racks of baby backs at the same time.  I'm still a newbie with the Bradley.  How do you suggest that I smoke these since I'm wanting to cook them all at the same time[?][?][?]



The secret to brisket is low and slow.  I would think a 6lb brisket cooked at 190-200 F could take 12-15 hrs.  I cook mine to 185 f then wrap in foil and let rest in cold oven for 1-1 1/2 hrs.  IMHO, I would make sure the briskets are done early because after wraping in foil you can wrap a couple of towels around each and they will stay hot for 5-6 hrs.  I am not a rib guru on the BS but I'll do a little research and get back with another post.  Do you know what time zone this forum is in?

P.S.  I would use an electronic polder for the brisket.  OPening the door on the Bradley can increase cooking time significantly.


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


I agree on the brisket.  Ribs will take about 4 hours or so.  Start the brisket 1st and add the ribs later.  make sure to put the raw ribs below the cooking brisket so you do not get rib blood/juice on the brisket.  Take your time, relax & have a homebrew.  Don't be in a hurry.
The Original PAsmoker


I would start my cook at 200 f and put all briskets inside on two lower racks.  If they don't have a good 1/4 inch layer of fat on them drape cheap fatty bacon on top of them.  Cook for 4-5 hrs.  Prepare ribs to go on after this time.  Put ribs on and rotate briskets.  Ribs on top racks.  Continue to cook for 4more hours.  Rotate ribs if rack on bottom looks a little dry.  Cook for 4more hours.  This sounds like a lot of food for a beginner to try and cook at one time.  I wish you luck and hope all turns out well.  Just don't open the door any more than you have to.  Your brisket should get to 185 f and will rise during rest to best temp.  Hopefully some of the other guys will chime in here a little later.  I think your cooking time on the ribs will take a little longer because of the amount of food you have in the BS.  If you do a search in some of the previous posts you can find a wealth of info.


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


BigSmoker, I think that 8 hours on the ribs might be a little long.  Even when I load up the smoker, ribs rarely take more than 4 hours.  When I position the food on the racks I make sure there is room for heat/smoke to rise around & get the stuff on the higher racks.  
Copper, I would put the raw ribs below the partially cooked brisket at first to keep cross-contamination to a minimum.  After 2 hours or so, rotate them to the top and get the brisket back down lower.
The Original PAsmoker


I haven't had that much meat in the smoker at one time. But I did make Ribs with a pork Butt together. I started them both at the same time and took the ribs out when they were done. Put the Butt on the bottom & the Ribs on the top 2 racks.Everything came out wonderful[:D]
cooking time and temps are on this thread:
Jeff gave you good advice,Low & slow

<i><font color="blue"><b>Jack</i></font id="blue"></b>