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Key ingreadient reader / website

Started by beefmann, October 07, 2013, 02:56:19 PM

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Hello all,

just something a few  members might  be  interested in, Key ingredient, is offering prime membership for $ 20.00 a  month and they will give away  there  electronic recipe reader for the  first 1000 U.S, people to  sing up for there prime mebership, The site allows  you   to upload , cut and paste recipes, edit them  up load  pictures, and several  other features that are cool along  with getting  recipes from other  members, Your recipes status can be  public, shared or private.,

I have been  looking at the  ingredient reader  for a while,,  now that it is free for a  1000,  i jumped on it,,, might  be  a  great  feature for those who do a  lot of BBQ  events and have a  small device to carry  instead of a  binder...

take a   look    if  interested,,,  sign up