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Christmas Exchange Gift Cheese

Started by pensrock, December 07, 2013, 10:55:43 AM

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Again I want to thank mez for the wonderful Xmas gift. I had a big block of NY Sharp Cheddar to smoke for my sister so I figured I would do them all at once.

Here are most of the cheeses mez sent me. Left side are two pepper jacks, middle is baby swiss and right side is yellow cheddar and Salzberg.

Here is the horseradish cheese. Mmmm.

Here is my sisters NY Sharp Cheddar, it is really great cheddar..... I think it will be a little light when she gets it back. Shhhhh!

Now here it all is going into a preheated smoker set for 85 degrees F.

And here it is coming out after three hours of apple/hickory. Hmmm no cheese sickles with the heat on imagine that. ;)

Saber 4

Looks good as always, we may have to change your name to Cheese Master! ;)