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Smoker Site to go down for good on 03/01/2014

Started by Oldman, January 16, 2014, 09:13:51 AM

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Greetings All,

Without getting into a lot, due to my health I've had to retire. Because of it I will no longer be able to maintain the recipe site and a webmaster.

On the site there is a set up so you can download the whole site. Just make sure to following the directions. Make sure to install the program first before you download the recipes.

Or if enough of you want to maintain it then have Hab get with Trey and he can move the site from a deli server to a shared one.

My best to you all and smoke on.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 

Saber 4

Thank you for all that you have done and I hope that your health improves with an enjoyable retirement for you.



Thank you for providing years of support to a great web site.  I have always found it to be a valuable resource and a great tool to help me produce great treats for my friends and family.

With best wishes and great appreciation


Hope your health improves so you can enjoy your retirement and thank you for all your contributions.

Habanero Smoker

Hi Raye;

Sorry to hear you had to retire. The recipe site was a great addition to this forum.

I will update the data base by mid-February.



Sorry to hear about the failing health Raye. I suspected things were not going too well since it is rare to hear from you anymore. I hope it improves as you get rid of the stress factors. It has been wonderful to have the site that you so generously provided all these years. I thank you for that. I hope that you continue to smoke and post more often in the near future.

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/



First sorry to hear about your health, I hope things improve for you.
You like many others here have been a valuable part of this forum.
Sorry to hear the recipe site is going down. I can tell you that the recipe site is being used by members of other bbq/cooking related forums.

All the best to you.




Yes thank you for all the great work you have done over the years. hoping things work out for you. enjoy your retirement.


 Like everyone else, I hope you feel better and enjoy your retirement. The recipe site is such a great resource and thank you for doing it. I would like to toss my hat in the ring to help maintain it. Just too much info there to let it fade away.

Thanks again Olds. Time to take care of your self and enjoy life.


Thanks Olds.  Your site is and was a great resource for many.  Thank you for keeping it up and running all this time!  We all appreciate it! 

DBS 6 Rack
Dual 500W Element Mod
BBQ Guru DigiQ / Raptor Combo


Thank you Raye.  That site was/is a huge help to me.  That was a really great thing you did for a large number of people.  I'm sure it will be downloaded and passed along to others for many years to come.   


If you don't mind, would you please post a reminder when you have the data base updated?

Thanks for your hard work on the recipe site.


I haven't been around all that long, but I know a good thing when I see it and this is a VERY good thing! Thank you!

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Where there's smoke, there's HAPPINESS!!!