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Smoker Site to go down for good on 03/01/2014

Started by Oldman, January 16, 2014, 09:13:51 AM

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like everyone else i want to THANK-YOU for the recipe site and all the work
you have put into it, i know i have used it alot and i haven't been around for very long
please enjoy whatever life brings your way!!

you can count me in as a contributer/donater to try to keep the site
either your in, or your in the f***ing way



Count me in as well.  As long as I dont have to sell my first born....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2


I'm in too !! Thanks again Olds for all the good info, hope you are doing a little smoking during your retirement.


I'm in.

what are the hosting requirements?

space, platform, bandwidth, etc?
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Quote from: FLBentRider on January 19, 2014, 08:34:08 AM
I'm in.

what are the hosting requirements?

space, platform, bandwidth, etc?
I think Habs would have all of the info needed on specs as he maintains the site now.  I went to the vBulletin site https://www.vbulletin.com/ and noted that the software is $249.00.  Then you have to get a domain name and pay a monthly fee for hosting.  Domain names are around $10 and hosting can run $6.00 to $10 a month depending on what you need.  vBulletin will only allow one license so whoever purchases the product controls the site.  Habs said the the files are not compatible with the Bradley forum so I would think that most likely one would have to use the same platform that the site is now on which is vBulletin. 

The way I see it is there are several options. 
1. See if Olds will sell the site to someone else and have them maintain it.  Not sure if the license is transferable.  Then that person has control of the site and can at some point decide to shut it down.
2. Purchase a new license and have someone maintain it.  Who ever does this can decide to shut it down at any time and it is back to square one again.  What type of legal liability is involved for copying a site that is going to be shut down?  I don't know!
3. See if another forum owner will host the recipe site and transfer the recipes to that site.  Lot of work to transfer it if the files are not upload compatible.  What legal liability is involved if the owner of the current site does not grant permission to use the existing files?  That site can also be shut down.
4. If you want the information that is on the site do a download of them using Golden Rule reader and then you have them on your computer.
5. Do nothing and the site goes down and the information is gone except for those that downloaded the files.

Perhaps there are more options but I think that is about the size of it.  There are many BBQ sites that have linked to the recipe site and I agree that losing it would be sad.

I thank Olds for hosting the site for all of these years and thank Habs for maintaining it.  They both put a lot of work into the site.  Hopefully a solution will be found and the information contained on the site will be around for many many years.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


 Are those numbers $$$ per month or year? Since Habs is already maintaining the site (and if he still wants to continue to do so) Couldn't Olds (if willing) just keep the license/site, Habs maintains it (maybe with help), and us here with other BBQ sites linked to it help pay for it? Just an idea.


Quote from: RedJada on January 19, 2014, 10:14:59 AM
Are those numbers $$$ per month or year? Since Habs is already maintaining the site (and if he still wants to continue to do so) Couldn't Olds (if willing) just keep the license/site, Habs maintains it (maybe with help), and us here with other BBQ sites linked to it help pay for it? Just an idea.
I think the license fee is a 1 time fee.  The domain name is around $10 per year.  The hosting fees are monthly and are around $6 to 10 per month.  You can buy a package deal with some providers and they give you a brake for a yearly hosting fee paid in advance. 

For the question ....would Olds be willing to let us use the license and just pay for the monthly charge, only he can answer that.  Perhaps those that know him could ask.  Seems to me that Habs is the one that would need to be contacted to see if he would even be willing to take on the project.  If he is not willing then what?

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.

Saber 4

I believe Olds has been hosting it on his server and that is what is getting shut down so it would have to go to another server to be continued, that is if I understood correctly.


sorry to hear olds, you  have  done a  great job on the site for a  long  time, best wishes to you in the future,

Habanero Smoker

It is great to see so much support for the recipe site. Many agree there is just too much valuable information to be lost.

At this time I can say that everything is being looked into to save the site.



Well if all else fails I'm sure several people will save it and can share around.  I plan on downloading when it gets updated again and already have a large amount printed out in my smoker book.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2


Not that I am any form of computer guru....

But could the recipes be converted to a PDF book format or Ebook format then as new recipes get added that file can be updated.   No need to be compliant with any forum software it is just a file download at that point.

If Ebook then it can be sold on amazon and proceeds go to support this sites costs with (I would think) some percentage going back to the originator as a thanks you.

Just throwing out ideas...



Quote from: standles on January 19, 2014, 01:58:17 PM
Not that I am any form of computer guru....

But could the recipes be converted to a PDF book format or Ebook format then as new recipes get added that file can be updated.   No need to be compliant with any forum software it is just a file download at that point.

If Ebook then it can be sold on amazon and proceeds go to support this sites costs with (I would think) some percentage going back to the originator as a thanks you.

Just throwing out ideas...


No clue if its possible but I like the idea.  I have tons of books on my phone and I love reading that way.  Of course my phone is size of a table too...:-\

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2


Any ideas should be thrown out there. That is how things get done. lets keep it alive folks.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.