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Couple suggestions for Bradley

Started by Wilbur, October 05, 2003, 09:29:11 PM

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Had mine a while now, there's some things I think can be improved on.

The first is the bisqutte spacers so the last 'bisquette' gets pushed along onto the burner. I posted this below and emailed Bradley and have not heard back from them.

Why not put a thermostat in so the smoker will automatically maintain the desired temperature rather than a person having to check it all the time.

Also my knob to adjust the temperature keeps falling off and the little rubber rings on the bottom of the fron feet kep falling off, both of these things should be easy to fix.
This thing has only been used about 6 times, sooner or later I know I'm gonna lose the temperature knob.


I have a Bradley and I agree about the thermostat and the spacer. Bradley should fix these two things immediately. Also give us the free upgrade to fix ours.


The bisquette advance/spacer problem actually presents a high risk as a fire hazard....I''ve had mine not advance and actually burn all the way up to the last one before the stack. If I hadn't caught it in time, I'm certain that the burn would have spread to the stack of "bisquettes in waiting"....just a warning to keep a close eye on the stack.

I had the same suggestion to Bradley via email several weeks ago with no response.  Bradley makes an otherwise GREAT smoker, but I don't see any indication that there is anyone is on the other end of the emails or that they pay much attention to posts. Sounds like the phone calls are the best bet to get the positive responses!

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA